Saturday, December 19, 2009

Golden Interstar 8700


With No statement 609 the Health Sector of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare are officially released the following new data:

The overall figure of deaths based on a reclassification , still work , by the regions is equal to 178 . This number includes cases for which regional health authorities have confirmed the finding of ' infection by H1N1 virus new .

Situation in Italy

Total 178 victims


Abruzzo 3

Basilicata 1

Calabria 13

Campania 46

Emilia Romagna 12

Friuli Venezia Giulia 2

Lazio 13

Liguria 3

Lombardia 12

Marche 3

Molise 4

Piedmont 12

Puglia 25

Sicily 12

Toscana * 4

Umbria 3

Veneto 8

PA Bolzano 1

PA Trento 1

* data from the Tuscany region are still provisional and in the process review.


  • the estimated new cases of influenza-like illness in the 50th week (December 7 to 13) are 132,000, for a total of 3,777,000 cases from October 19 Influnet when it began monitoring the current season.

  • is stable, the number of emergency room visits and hospitalizations for the Acute Respiratory Syndrome, for all age groups.

  • cases who needed respiratory assistance to December 18 : 448

  • Percentage of cases that require respiratory assistance in Report the total of people 0.012

  • In the 50th week (December 7 to 13) were administered 35,305 doses. Since the start of the vaccination campaign, a total of 749,842 first doses were administered, and 12,257 the second dos

  • In total 7,423,851 doses of vaccine distributed. It is expected, since December 18, the distribution of additional 2.6 million doses of vaccines to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces .

  • Total estimated cases of influenza since the beginning of the pandemic to 18 December: 3,777,000

  • Total deaths related to the new influenza A/H1N1 to 18 December: 178

  • Percentage of victims in relation to the total of people with influenza A: 0.0047 percent

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cb Radio President George


The Dr. Keiji Fukuda , A senior official of ' WHO (World Health Organization), said today during a press conference that:

" It' s too early to declare the end of the Influenza A .

currently witnessing a extension of the infection in areas such as France the Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz , the Czech Republic the Switzerland, and Russia .

Currently we can not predict the progress of the pandemic in 2010 .

"We , "Continues Dr. . Fukuda," that virus A (H1N1) 2009 not disappear in a short time . "For this reason the ' WHO is preparing to send free to countries developing supplies of vaccine donated by wealthy countries.

" E 'important " concludes Dr. . Fukuda " continue to follow closely the situation in the coming months . The winter is long and nobody knows whether could occur between now and the spring another great wave of cases ".

Il Dott. Keiji Fukuda , è stato dal 2006 al 2008, coordinatore del Global Influenza Programme dell' OMS ; nell'ottobre 2009, confermato direttore del programma, è stato nominato Special Adviser dell' OMS per l' Influenza Pandemica.

Prima di approdare all' OMS , il Dott. Fukuda è stato capo dell'Unità Epidemiologica del CDC di Atlanta (USA) dove ha accumulato una grande esperienza nel campo della ricerca scientifica sui virus influenzali.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Atrophy Of Frontal Lobe


at 17.00 on December 15 of the victims related to influenza A are 149. This number includes cases for which the regional health authorities have confirmed the finding of infection by H1N1 virus new .

The regions have reported so far at the Ministry 811 admissions in hospital for severe cases of influenza, of which 439 required respiratory assistance .
Emilia Romagna
Total victims 149
Abruzzo 3
Basilicata 1
Lazio 14
Liguria 4
Lombardia 9
Marche 1
Molise 3
Piedmont 8
Puglia 19
Sicily 11
Tuscany 4
Umbria 5
Veneto 8
PA Bolzano a

It ended the ' December 8 the seventh deployment to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of pandemic vaccines. The doses delivered to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces from October 12 are 7,423,851. By the end of December will reach about 10 million doses : it is expected to further delivery, as of December 18, about other 2.6 million doses, partly in unit dose .

Monday, December 14, 2009

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Talk Dr. . Thomas R. Frieden, a Democrat appointed by President Barack Obama 16 ° director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Atlanta (USA), one of the most influential institutions in the health field.

Dr. Frieden, laueratosi at Columbia University, he specialized in infectious diseases at the Yale University .

" Today, we know an update on estimates of infections, hospital admissions and, unfortunately, deaths caused by influenza virus A (H1N1) 2009 in the United States of America .

data providing you are last updated on November 14. The fundamental point that emerges from the data that is compared with the normal flu, the H1N1 has been ill, hospitalized and killed, many more children and young adults than not to happen during regular influenza epidemics , affecting more ' hard over 65 . The recent update

Flu View "showed that the 'current wave pandemic in the United States is downturn. What will happen after him to be able to reveal only the future .

We are faced with an ambiguous future . The flu season generally lasts until May. When asked about what will happen in the country in the coming months we will see half of the experts say, in the country and around the world, to a significant increase in cases of infection during the year, and the other half of the experts claims that will not happen. The truth is that we do not know what will happen . Only time will answer our questions.

What I can say is what has happened so far : we estimate that in the Unina may be calculated approximately 50,000,000
cases of infection, most of them children and young adults .

I hospitalization have been, until now, 200,000, a number comparable level recorded during the entire epidemic seasons spent ( therefore much higher than normal if we consider that the flu season is just beginning ). Unfortunately , far, we have approximately 10,000 deaths, 1,100 of which in children and young adults between 7500 .

What these numbers mean the p otremo easily calculate: the 15% of the entire U.S. population is infected with the influenza virus A (H1N1) 2009 , namely : un cittadino su 6 si è fino ad ora ammalato .

C'è una parte consistente della popolazione non immune che si potrà ancora ammalare nei prossimi mesi, ma non siamo attualmente in grado di fornire previsioni attendibili, vista l'estrema variabilità del virus ed il diverso modo di colpire all'interno di comunità e delle singole città."

Sebbene i numeri espressi dal dottor Thomas R. Frieden si riferiscano esclusivamente agli Stati Uniti d'America, possiamo confermare che anche in Europa e nella stessa Italia il virus pare non "impattare" in modo omogeneo su tutto il territorio rendendo estremamente difficoltoso to prepare an estimate for the future , however, many European and Italian experts agree in considering very likely the arrival in January of the next pandemic wave .

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Although in some countries (and especially Italy), the pandemic wave is evident in attenuation, at European level the curve of the victims still shows growth, even in the last week appears to have suffered an acceleration compared to the previous three weeks .

The number of deaths reported nel corso della settimana 50 nei paesi della Comunità Europea e dell' area EFTA è pari a 267 . Quelli della settimana 49 erano 208 , mentre i casi fatali registrati nella settimana 48 erano 183 contro i 179 della settimana precedente .

La settimana 50 è la sesta settimana consecutiva in cui si segnala un aumento nel numero delle vittime causate dal virus della nuova influenza A (H1N1) 2009 .

Il bollettino settimanale " Weekly Influenza Surveillance Overview "Summarizing the data gathered by the network European Influenza Surveillance Network ( EISN ) in the week between November 30 and December 6, 2009. From reading the report shows that in many countries the pandemic wave has not yet fully attenuated, stabilized at intermediate levels, while nine countries (especially those of the North East and Eastern Europe) indicate an activity of influenza-like illness from high to very high .

The pandemic strain A (H1N1) 2009 continues to be found in 99% of all samples subtyped by network sentinel physicians.

contrast to previous reports is climb the percentage of samples showing resistance to oseltamivir (currently forms resistant to this antiviral represent the ' 1% of viruses isolated from ' EISN ).

In 11 countries belonging to the network is spreading, parallel to the pandemic strain, the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV ), responsible for some of acute respiratory syndrome in children . In temperate zones the largest number of RSV infections is concentrated in the period between January and February . This year the VRS has made its appearance in earlier than in previous years. The early spread of VRS should be monitored closely by health authorities of individual countries.

Friday, December 11, 2009

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Influnet The surveillance system allows estimation of the week's start, duration and intensity of the epidemic influenza

• the estimated new cases of influenza-like illness in 49 weeks are 224,000, for a total of 3,650,000 cases since the beginning of the surveillance Influnet (43 weeks: 19-25 October)

• the total value of the impact of influenza-like illness is equal to 3.73 cases per thousand , a sharp decline than the value observed in the previous week (6.68 cases per thousand).

the age group most affected is always pediatric (0-14 years) , with an incidence of 8.52 cases per thousand (9.63 per thousand in the range of children children of 0-4 years and 7.94 per thousand in the range 5-14 years). There is a decline in the incidence in each age group, although more pronounced in pediatric fields in which the incidence has almost halved.

The number of accesses relating to the emergency room monitors is in line with expected developments . In

49th week (November 30 to December 6) in fact has further reduced the number of people have turned to the emergency room for acute respiratory syndrome (5.4% ) and, of these, 26% were hospitalized .

Compared to recent weeks, the number remains fairly constant of people for whom it was necessary to be admitted among those who went to the emergency room for acute respiratory syndrome.

The figure above shows the number of accesses and hospitalizations for acute respiratory syndrome ready to soccorsomonitorati and the incidence of influenza-like illness for week .

Each week the data are compared with the baseline calculated from the model, which allows you to assess trends and possible warning thresholds are exceeded.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Endometriosis And Neutropenia

INFLUENCE "A" - WE downturn but it is' likely to reoccur NEW PEAK

Data from the Italian network of surveillance epidemiological Influnet related week 49 (the one from November 30 to December 6, 2009) developed and elaborated by ' Institute of Health, appear to be very positive.

The same Deputy Minister Hon Ferruch what Fazio, at the presentation of the report on the health status of the country presented today in Rome, said: "We are being almost complete recession peak "However, he added," is very unlikely that the virus does not recur . may return , secondo il Vice Ministro alla Salute Fazio , già a Gennaio , " in un mix con l'influenza stagionale ".

Le dichiarazioni del ministro non giungono isolate, ma sono così come anticipato negli scorsi giorni da virologi ed epidemiologi italiani e stranieri.

Lo stesso prof. Pregliasco ha evocato la figura retorica della " quiete che precede la tempesta " che si potrebbe scatenare subito dopo il S. Natale , perido durante il quale i viaggi , lo scambio di visite tra parenti e conoscenti, il f requentare luoghi affollati , potrebbe causare una riacutizzazione the phenomenon pandemic and to facilitate the initiation of a new wave, still pending in other countries, particularly in the United States. During the forty-ninth

weeks of 2009, 643 sentinel physicians have posted data about the frequency of influenza-like illness among its clients. The total incidence value is equal to 3.73 cases per thousand .

In the age group 0-4 years incidence is equal to 9.63 cases per thousand , in the age group 5-14 years the incidence is equal to 7.94 , in the range 15-64 years to 2.88 and between individuals of aged 65 years and over to 0.84 cases per thousand .

During the week 49 the epidemic curve of influenza continues its descent after peaked in weeks 46 to with a value of incidence equal to 12.89 cases per thousand . The

epidemic peak level reached in the current influenza season is higher than that observed in many previous influenza seasons.

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INFLUENCE "A" - USA : autopsy highlighted serious DAMAGE alveoli

Il National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) degli USA ha anticipato i risultati di uno studio intitolato: "New York Autopsies Show 2009 H1N1 Influenza Virus Damages Entire Airway" e che verrà pubblicato sul " Archives of pathology and laboratory medicine ".

Il dott. Anthony S. Fauci (nella fotografia), direttore del NIAID ci svela alcuni degli argomenti fondamentali dello studio condotto:

Gli studi svolti su 34 vittime dell' influenza da virus A (H1N1) 2009 showed that the virus can damage cells of all the respiratory , causing damage not only to the tops but the pulmonary alveoli, in a manner similar to what happened during outbreaks of 1918 and 1957 .

In about half of the patients were found superinfection of bacterial type .

The study also looks at esminare 's impact that the pandemic virus A (H1N1) 2009 is showing on young . While the majority of deaths Seasonal flu occurs in adults over 65 years , the deaths caused by new influenza is seen mainly among young people . The 34 cases examined in the study related to the 62% adults aged between 25 and 49 years , as well as two children .

The researchers collected and tested samples of tissue from 34 deceased individuals to assess how and to what extent, influenza A (H1N1) 2009 have damaged the parts of the respiratory system. The

Dr. Jeffery K. Taubenberger, one of the managers del team, commenta: " Abbiamo visto una ampia varietà di danni al tessuto in entrambe le vie respiratorie superiori e inferiori. In tutti i casi , le regioni delle vie aeree , della trachea ai bronchi , hanno evidenziato segni di infiammazzione talvolta molto acuta . In 18 su 34 casi esaminati, abbiamo riscontrato un danno esteso anche tra i rami più sottili di bronchi e bronchioli . Ma è doveroso segnalare che gli alveoli polmonari di 25 individui su 34 casi esaminati presentavano evidenti segni di danno . "I

serious damage to the products by deep breathing ' influenza A are very similar to that those already found among the victims of previous outbreaks of 1918 and 1957 .

There are ample chances that Secondary bacterial infections play an important role in severe cases of influenza from virus A (H1N1) 2009 , and even if antibiotic therapy is followed since the onset of the first symptoms, bacterial pneumonia, which often led to the sick to death rimangono un elemento importante e da non sottovalutare nei casi più gravi .

I ricercatori hanno potuto usufruire dei dati derivanti dalle tomografie computerizzate (CT) di quattro pazinenti tra i 34 casi sui quali si è svolto lo studio.

E' importante segnalare che in tutti e quattro i casi , le scansioni CT hanno mostrato un'anomalia chiamata "ground-glass" : si tratta di macchie sfocate ed arrotondate che non si trovano nelle immagini dei polmone normale . Non è noto, dicono i ricercatori, se le anomalie rilevate dal CT nei quattro casi presi in esame si siano verificate even in people with milder infections with H1N1 . E 'can be desirable to compare these data with those from other CT scans, to help clinicians to better identify and treat more serious infections with influenza A viruses (H1N1) 2009.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Very Wet Before Period


The Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare announced today that, compared with a estimated 3,455,000 cases of infection , the 17.00 of the December 9 officially recognized as victims related to influenza A would 137 .

This number includes cases for which the regional health authorities have confirmed the finding of new H1N1 virus infection .

The fatalities are broken down across the country:
  • Abruzzo Basilicata 2
  • 1
  • Calabria Campania 13
  • 30
  • Emilia Romagna Lazio 9
  • 14
  • Liguria 3
  • Lombardia Marche 8
  • 1
  • Molise Piedmont 3
  • 8
  • 18
  • Puglia Sicily Tuscany 9
  • 4
  • Umbria 5
  • Veneto 8
  • PA Bolzano 1

Regions have reported so far at the Ministry 764 hospital admissions for severe cases of influence, of which 410 have required respiratory assistance .

In 48th week (23-29 November) were administered 116,510 doses of pandemic vaccine. Since the start of the vaccination campaign, were given a total for the categories as priorities for the first phase of vaccination, 611,425 first doses, and 1666 second doses.

Currently regions have been urged to vaccinate as rapidly as the women in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and those aged 6 months to 64 years belonging to those at risk for pre-existing conditions, with priority for children of to those categories.

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often underestimate the importance of maintaining adequate " safe distance" from other people, this not only in the case of "A", but also to prevent the spread of flu, colds, and other diseases of the respiratory system.

The photograph on the right, taken with a special lighting system allows us to see what usually happens when a person sneezes near us:

analysis of a movie shot with a machine of high speed cameras say that the goccioline di saliva ed altre secrezioni respiratorie emesse con un colpo di tosse od uno starnuto si muovono a una velocità di circa 150 km l’ora .

Per essere certi di non contrarre l'influenza (pandemica o stagionale) od anche solo il raffreddore, è bene attenersi alle seguenti regole:

  • mantenere sempre una distanza di “sicurezza” dagli estranei di almeno 50 cm ;

  • mantenersi ad almeno 2 metri di distanza dalle persone che tossiscono ;

  • tenere una distanza di almeno 1.5 meters who sneezes ;

L ' most effective weapon to defend themselves from the influence is definitely prevention. To protect themselves adequately enough observe a number of simple precautions in their daily life , capable of preventing the spread of germs that cause respiratory infections.

course in addition to protecting ourselves, it will be well safeguard the health of other therefore are useful now widely known standards, first of all the cover nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze and throw in the towel garbage after using it;

In the case of influenza is also a good idea to stay home and limit contact with other people to avoid infecting .

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influenza A (H1N1) 2009 - How to transmit the virus?

Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 can be transmitted in two main ways: by direct , that is through droplets of saliva a result of sneezing , coughs, talks very close, but also drink from the same glass (or bottle from the same ) of an infected person or kissing an infected person . And indirect way, and through contact with contaminated hands from respiratory secretions of someone who is already sick.

E ' definitively ruled out, however, all possibility of transmission of the virus by eating pork or products obtained from processing of this. Apart from the influence, it is always better to eat well-cooked meat (cooking to at least 70-80 °, until there are more parties pink).

Regarding the places where it is easier to be infected, are the same that are in danger of contracting the seasonal flu: the crowded places, not necessarily al chiuso ( cinema , autobus , metropolitane ), ma anche all’aperto ( grandi manifestazioni sportive e di piazza , concerti , discoteche sulla spiaggia ). Fattori favorenti sono il freddo e l’umidità .

Il freddo in particolare ha la doppia funzione:

  • conserva più a lungo vivo il virus , che alla temperatura di 25° sopravvive circa 12 ore all'esterno del corpo umano , ma alla temperatura di 0° può sopravvivere per un tempo indeterminato (giorni, mesi, ...)

  • the cold slows down the movement of hair cells that play from the nose to the bronchi most of our respiratory system , defending ourselves from external microorganisms. During the winter it is easier to get sick because this mechanism of self-defense which takes away pathogens from the respiratory tract becomes ineffective because of the cold .

The incubation period of influenza, which is the traditional pattern of new virus H1N1 is very short, generally 1 to 3 days .

Like classic or seasonal influenza, the adults with influence from new virus A (H1N1) are contagious (able to transmit the infection to others) already during the latest stages of the incubation period , immediately before the onset of symptoms, and remain so up to a maximum of seven days after initiation of these . Children, especially small ones, instead may remain infectious for longer .

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Throbbing Behind Knee


The virus' influenza A (H1N1) 2009 also attacks the animal world . The new case of infection involves a fell sick cat n the France. The news was released just minutes ago by prof. Didier Houssin, Director General of Health in France.

The veterinarian who took care of the poor kitten, who presented the symptoms of pneumonia , it was suspicious being aware of the fact that in the animal host family there have been cases in influenza "A" . So he decided to put the cat to analysis.

The prof. Didier Houssin confirmed that infection with influenza A viruses (H1N1) 2009 in the cat was confirmed by microbiological investigations.

The case, which specifies the Directorate General of Health French, took place in the town of Bouches-du-Rhône .

" This is not an isolated case ," says the prof . Didier Houssin (in picture left) : " There have been several cases of this kind abroad. Recently there have been infections of dogs in China, a cat had already starred in a similar event in the United States . "

Apparently the virus is transmitted among different species. They are widely known numerous cases of infection of pigs , but also turkeys, ferrets and other wildlife .

According to initial findings have been contaminated man-> animal (most likely in cases of domestic animals) or animal-> man (more common on farms) would seem to require a close and prolonged contact with sick other species, so if we are wrong, to avoid infecting our Fido and Fuffy, stiamogli away! We will avoid so that you can get sick!

In suspected cases should be use the veterinarian who will determine disease and take appropriate treatment.

The problem is not to be underestimated because infection between different species could facilitate the possibility of recombination virus mutations and consequent .

Monday, December 7, 2009

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's ECDC is the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention , headquartered in Solna , a town near Stockholm in Sweden , is one of Europe's most influential institutions. Along with better known CDC in Atlanta (USA) and all ' WHO in Geneva, has made significant progress in the field scientific research, since many experts available in the monitoring of all infectious diseases found in the European territory .

Daily 's ECDC draw up a report called ECDC DAILY UPDATE list where the official data provided by individual member countries of the European Union ( Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland , France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom ) and countries belonging to the EFTA area ( Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland).

Very often I used for the preparation of my articles, data courtesy of ' ECDC that is unquestionably a source of accredited, qualified, reliable and authoritative. In the document entitled

Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Update 07 December 2009, 09:00 hours CEST , we find that the data are shown in the chart at the top right. We note that although a European level we're approaching the high point of the curve pandemic, which we expect to take a look Gaussian, to the victims of the global pandemic are still reported and growth in is more difficult to estimate a trend .

The peak can be seen in the graph refers to the global situation at the week 43 is determined by a communication "cumulative" of the deaths occurred in summer and reported in a single note from Brazil and the USA. In reality, the value of the column 43 should be "smeared" in part on the previous weeks.

I official data, which are believed to be still underestimated plenty, talk about 208 deaths in Europe + EFTA and a total of 1231 deaths in the world during one week 49 (the one just passed).

total since April 2009, the number of cases turns out to be fatal, according to official figures ECDC: 1066 Europe and EFTA countries and 8731 in rest of the world, for a total of 9797 deaths officially confirmed by laboratory testing .

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Burning Feet When I Run


At 17:00 of the Dec. 6 deaths related to influenza A are 114. This number includes cases for which the regional health authorities have confirmed the finding of infection by H1N1 virus new . The fatal cases
officially recognized : distributed in the territory are as follows: 1

Abruzzo, Basilicata 1, 9 Calabria, Campania 28, 8 Emilia Romagna, Lazio 13, 3 Liguria, Lombardy 8, 1 Marche, Molise 3 , 8 Piemonte, Puglia 7, 6 Sicily, Tuscany 4, 5 Umbria, Veneto 8, PA Bolzano 1.

Regions have reported up to now the Ministry 764 hospital admissions for severe cases of influenza, of which 410 have required respiratory assistance: a share of to 0.011 per cent of the estimated total of people who contract the new influenza A.

the 48th week (23-29 November) 116,510 doses were administered . Since the start of the vaccination campaign, a total were given for the categories as priorities for the first phase of vaccination, 611,425 first doses and 1,666 doses second. On December 4

began the seventh distribution to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of pandemic vaccines, for a total of 2,393,000 doses other packaging in multi dose vials. After this deployment, scheduled for December 8 2009, the doses delivered to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces from October 12 will be 7,423,851, to achieve by the end of December about 10 million doses: it is expected to further delivery, since Dec. 18, about 2,600,000 other doses, partly in unit dose (ed remembers that the pandemic vaccine in single portions does not contain mercury-based preservative ).

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Each week, the CDC of Atlanta (USA ) review information on 'activities influenza in the United States of America and publish the results on the report called " FluView . In this article we will examine the data just received by the writer an e-mail received by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

influenza activity showed a decline in all indicators that are constantly monitored by the Centre , however values \u200b\u200bof various parameters monitored individually remain higher than the data collected during previous epidemics influenza :

The number of medical visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) is the n decrease for the fifth consecutive week after a rapid ascent ( four weeks duration) that did reach the peak in the U.S. .

n Eight of the ten regions in the United States of America have been divided to monitor the influence of influenza activity continue to report higher to what one would expect for the normal period of the season.

Although the incidence of ILI is declining, the number of physician visits for influenza-like disorders Contina to stay high nationally.

The number of hospitalizations continues to maintain them higher than normal for this time of year and band hardest hit in the U.S. continues to be that children (0 to 4 years ).

The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P & I) based on data received from 122 city sample decreased when compared to last week , but the number of fatalities remains higher than normal period. That just passed is the ninth consecutive week where deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza remain above the epidemic threshold levels .

The virus' influenza A (H1N1) 2009 confirms the widely prevalent strain . The almost all of samples analyzed in the laboratory during the week continues to belong to the pandemic strain .

Despite some sporadic mutations in the virus continues to remain similar to the one selected for the composition of the pandemic vaccine and few exceptions, remains sensitive to antiviral drugs oseltamivir e zanamivir .

Analizzati i dati che ho riassunto in questo articolo ritengo che si possa confermare la tendenza al declino della attuale ondata pandemica , tuttavia gli indicatori osservati segnalano che la pandemia non si può ritenere conclusa e che non si possono escludere ulteriori ondate . Allo stato attuale non si può prevedere quale sarà la durata dell'intervallo , nè quale sarà l'intensità della prossima ondata , tuttavia analizzati i grafici degli anni precedenti , ritengo sia necessario prestare una particolare attenzione all' andamento degli indicatori a cavallo tra late December and mid January, a period when, normally, we witness an increase in influenza-like illness.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Calories After Anorexia

LONDON: H1N1 - Global Health Security Initiative Ministerial Meeting

was held today in London the " Global Health Security Initiative Ministerial Meeting " meeting of health ministers of the countries of G7 (Canada , United States , Italy , France, Germany , United Kingdom, Japan ) more Mexico and representatives of the European Commission and of ' WHO. For Italy, spoke to the Deputy Minister of Health Prof. Ferruccio Fazio .

The meeting aims to plan joint actions and coordinate efforts to implement global security in terms of public health.

During the meeting, the Ministers and Representatives present agreed on the following points:

  • Strengthening the coordinated response to the pandemic virus H1N1 , with particular emphasis on information sharing and resources from make available (tools for the prevention and treatment) in favor of developing countries.
  • Implement the collaborative network for response to chemical and radio-nuclear threats and to what concerns the application of the International Health Regulations.
were considered, moreover, the priority topics on which work in coordination on the basis of continuous assessment of risks to human health, which put the focus more on influenza H1N1, which not end soon .

regard to the pandemic will also be conducted careful analysis of the lessons learned thus far better to continue in the common measures control and prevention against it.

lines of future development will cover infectious and contagious diseases (smallpox, anthrax, vector-borne diseases) and the ability of laboratories to the highest level of biosafety.

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Professors Antonio Cassone and Giovanni Rezza (in photo at right), eminent experts in the Department of Infectious, Parasitic and Immunomediated 's Institute of Health (public corporation that, as an organ of the Scientific and Technical Service Italian National Health, performs functions research, experimentation, testing, consulting, and training in public health) in this article explain what exactly is the squalene.

The squalene, a substance that until a few months ago was only known producers of influenza vaccines and some expert biochemist has become the substance of which it is now said, almost always inappropriately, even in local markets. The name is clearly evocative of a dangerous animal tropical seas but the substance itself is the most organic and natural exists: it is actually a compound essential for life as it is used by the body as a "brick" to build steroid hormones and other lipid substances. In particular, the ' crucial intermediate for the synthesis of cholesterol that occurs in the liver, according to the following reaction :

2 → farnesyl pyrophosphate → squalene lanosterol cholesterol →

E' has been shown that the skin it secretes human sebum in a certain amount, in fact, they were no traces in the secretion released by human footprints.

molecule squalene (Molecular formula: C 30 H 50 )

But we are certainly not the only ones squalene in the body : plants and animals use them and there is enough metabolic egg, in the flesh in olive oil and (where present up to 0.7% ) in a concentration relevant to a metabolic intermediate, a substance capable of counteracting the harmful effects of cholesterol . In the United States

was calculated that of squalene he eats with the normal diet about 25 mg per day . The squalene can be very common in cosmetics such as mascara , lipstick and talcum powder , up to very high concentration (50%) , what makes a substance released into the environment and thanks to the fact that this compound is easy to remove (especially some species of sharks), purify and obtain in quantity, it was decided in immunology to focus on this substance as an adjuvant.

Moreover, in many normal individuals were detected small amounts of antibodies to squalene in , as for anti-cholesterol , you do not know neither the source nor the biological significance , although it has been hypothesized that these antibodies will help to remove the "bad" (LDL) cholesterol from the blood through opsonization and phagocytosis.

L ' of vaccine use squalene stems from observations that emulsions and lipid substances in water are potent stimulators of innate immunity. The precursor of these emulsions is well known incomplete Freund Adjuvant, used by virtually all immunologists to get good antibody responses to soluble antigen in experimental models. At very low doses (micrograms) the emulsion of squalene in water cells potently activates antigen-presenting cells to , particularly dendritic cells, which then secrete cytokines that address antibody responses and / or cytotoxic to the target antigen . Experimental studies have shown that the squalene in water emulsion is superior to aluminum salts as adjuvant of antibody response.

Both clinical trials that immunological surveillance data show the vaccine ' high capacity of this adjuvant in enhance the antibody response against the flu virus, allowing a significant amount of savings of antigen used.

Two adjuvants based on squalene have been approved for use in influenza vaccines in Europe and other pharmaceutical companies that produce vaccines they are experimenting with different formulations.

As is standard in immunology, stimulation powerful immunological responses has its counterpart in 'evocation of associated inflammatory responses.

Vaccines formulated with squalene in water emulsions have a relatively greater toxicity and local reactogenicity of vaccines without emulsions, even if it is, in most cases, transient events and limited to the first 2-3 days after vaccination.

These inflammatory events may affect up to 30% of vaccinees. In addition to pyrexia and headache, seen in about 20% of vaccinees, the most frequent systemic event is altralgia / myalgia observed in 15% of vaccinees, reminiscent induction of experimental arthritis in animals genetically susceptible.

However, adverse events and serious non-transient such events requiring hospitalization and death neuropathies are very rare and are most common in persons receiving vaccines with squalene in relation to people receiving vaccines without adjuvant. Data from the surveillance system for adverse reactions AIFA collected during the current vaccination against the H1N1 virus of 2009, at the time, perfectly in line with what is expected from the results of clinical trials of Focetria.

In conclusion, squalene is a natural compound that used artificially as an emulsion in water and injected intramuscularly is a powerful adjuvant that allows an effective immunization , usually with a single dose vaccine (at least in adults), at low cost in terms of local tolerability and effects generally mild and transient systemic .