Saturday, March 12, 2011

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of Pino Cabras - Megachip.
"Earthquake in Japan, the alarm goes nuclear. 2000 people evacuated residents near the center of Fukushima. Umberto Veronesi provides his garden. "Fulminant The bar appears on the site . A terrible earthquake, such as Japan, hitting the highest level in a country that bears all the contradictions of development more stringent, is an event that speaks to all companies and makes them think about their future. Talk to us in Italy. The most serious nuclear accident in Fukushima for example, tells us unequivocally that the fraud of the "safe nuclear" is one of the most urgent issues to be unmasked. With the referendum we will have the chance. The current nuclear technology can not ignore geology, seismic risk between current and multigenerational management of intractable waste. In truth, no technological system in general can ignore geology.

The Japanese, living with a soil that reminds him often, they know better than others. An earthquake like the one on 11 March 2011, in other populated areas of the planet would have caused far more death and devastation. Symbolic culture and pratiche materiali della società nipponica sono invece caratterizzate da una grande attenzione ai cicli della natura. Le istituzioni dell'epoca Tokugawa (1603-1867) avevano capito ad esempio che la deforestazione era un problema gravissimo e seppero imporre il divieto di tagliare indiscriminatamente gli alberi, incentivando invece la riforestazione e trasformando l’arcipelago in uno dei territori ancora oggi meglio tenuti al mondo, nonostante abbia una densità di popolazione elevatissima. 

È dell’epoca Tokugawa anche “La grande onda presso la costa di Kanagawa” l’opera più nota di Katsushita Hokusai e forse l’emblema più rappresentativo dell’arte figurativa giapponese. Fu stampata per la prima volta negli anni trenta del XIX secolo, circa 180 anni fa, ma non sto a dirvi perché si dimostra ancora attualissima, nei giorni dello tsunami. 

Nel quadro vediamo l’impeto della natura yin mentre viene respinto dallo yang della serena fiducia dei pescatori, piccoli e miseri dentro la cavità invincibile dell’onda, eppure rassegnatamente esperti. Non si oppongono all’onda, adattano il movimento delle loro fragili imbarcazioni. Sanno che l’opera umana è segnata da una «impermanenza». È un esile interstizio di vita fra la massa fluctuations in the sea and the background of the volcano, mobile entities in their own way, terribly mobile, but permanently.

preserve many Japanese life practices related to these equilibria, but being among the major players in industrial development over the past 150 years, have diluted the irreconcilable contradictions of that growth that demands too much from Mother Earth. It so happens that maybe the people of Japan should be held so close to the immense forests of Hokkaido, the same day when Tokyo was still called Edo, but also create the charms of zen woodwork of their houses at the expense of forests in Indonesia. E accade che il trauma di Hiroshima e Nagasaki si sia tradotto nella ricerca di standard di sicurezza nucleare superiore ad altri paesi, e nondimeno fallibili.      

Solo che la soglia superata a Hiroshima nel 1945 ha cambiato la scala della razionalità e del realismo. Quella non era più la natura indomabile con cui trovare un equilibrio: era la volontà di potenza del vecchio homo sapiens, la vecchia bestia territoriale, violenta e deforestatrice, ormai in grado di distruggere tutto il mondo.

Noi italiani non siamo certo in grado di dare lezioni ai giapponesi. Nel parlare del nostro Paese, il drammaturgo Marco Paolini afferma che è un paese montagnoso che ha di sé stesso un'immagine di pianura. E che perciò è afflitto da un equivoco della sua identità spaesante e devastatore, predisposto a una catena fatale di calamità del territorio, tutte quante originate da una specie di scriteriata e testarda rimozione della reale natura del nostro suolo. L’identità delle classi dirigenti è interamente modellata da questa concezione del territorio. Mi ritrovo in quanto hanno scritto tempo fa Marino Badiale e Massimo Bontempelli: « C’è bisogno di scegliere quali opere costruire secondo la logica di evitare il consumo ulteriore del territorio e di proteggerne l’integrità, focusing on the ongoing maintenance and minor adjustments of existing infrastructure, and therefore stopping all so-called great works, which serve only to start procurement, bribery and corruption, often to the benefit of the mafia. "

If after Hiroshima changed the meter that measures what it is very realistic in politics, after Fukushima (if Chernobyl had not been enough) changes the criterion for judging what is realistic in the economy. The "great works" suddenly appear even more foolish. The Moses of Venice, the TAV in Val di Susa, the Bridge over the Straits, the return to nuclear power, new skyscrapers in Milan, the motorway junction of the gutter, and more, all useless and harmful works, each with billions of euro, would be horrified to do a serious leadership. Instead we have a caste, but without the illumination of the Shogun, who at least had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe common good.


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The MSC Sorrento falls in Ortona

Sieco Service Ortona - MSC Crociere Sorrento 3-1 (25-14, 22-25, 25-18, 25-23)

La MSC Sorrento era salita in Abruzzo con la speranza di continuare la serie positiva, ma l’Impavida Ortona si è dimostrata più forte del previsto ed ha impedito alla formazione sorrentina di   ottenere la terza vittoria consecutiva. La squadra abruzzese è riuscita a mantenere un buon livello di gioco per tutti e quattro i set disputati approfittando dei cali di rendimento dei sorrentini.
Nel primo set la MSC è partita con il piede sbagliato accumulando subito un pesante passivo   che non è più riuscita a recuperare. I padroni di casa hanno approfittato di una difesa impeccabile per neutralizzare gli attacchi dei sorrentini che hanno perso fiducia in se stessi mollando la presa e subendo un pesante passivo. Il primo set si è concluso infatti con il punteggio di 25 a 14 per l’Impavida.
Nell’intervallo, Paolo Russo è riuscito a resettare i circuiti mentali dei suoi ragazzi e nel secondo set è scesa in campo una squadra completamente diversa da quella del primo set. Il Sorrento, infatti, è migliorato in tutti i fondamentali a cominciare dalla ricezione riuscendo a giocarsela alla pari even managed to place the knockout blow in favor of end points using a rotation with the setter Launch at the forefront to resist the attacks of Costa. The Sorrento manage to steal the set on the partial closing 22 to 25.
As often happens, however, in the third set, the Sorrento has accused another drop el'Ortona performance is again quite easily able to prevail on the closing 25 to 18.
In September 4 Riccardi and his companions are back to being competitive presenting the final stages of the set of points with a good lead on the hosts. The Sorrento has carried the ball up to 21-23 but then the tiebreak as he was led to the hand of Ortona was able to place a Filotto four consecutive points closing the set and match on 25 to 23 condemning the MSC to defeat.

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Barton - red nose male pit Cagli (PU) URGENT NOW 'PARALYSED rear legs

14/08/2010: Brando is a beautiful pit bull. E 'finished in kennels brought by his family. It is certainly not a dog for everyone, but for experienced people who know and know how to handle dogs of this kind. Volunteers have taken him for a walk and it seemed a good dog. So why not also give him a chance?

P er adoptions: Katia 347.8730433, 347.0361628 Chiara, massimo.maderi @ or tel. 333.5451716 -

Update 12/03/2011: Barton was arrested, his family has since lived in different kennels time. The volunteers had recently started to take him out ... is a good dog with people, in fact. Until ... here, embolism has paralyzed the hind legs. Poor little Barton, he is not disheartened even in kennels and had always desire to run and jump. Who will help him now ????????? Can not remain paralyzed in kennels for long and it will break down if you do not find a more suitable place for him, where love is accepted with its diversity ... Barton eats, try the caresses, dragging out of the kennel needs to make and drink. Please, troviamogli a house where it will be fine for the time he has left to live and could even be as when treated properly, we do not know. We are waiting for two things: the response of the municipality for the dog but if I find someone who also takes the time so I hit the town and ask him to approve the adoption. The first is a reaction to even a minimal inizioni that they are doing in kennels. THE DOG IS A Cagli (Pesaro Urbino) IS DOING INJECTIONS FOR THE ATTEMPT TO RETURN THE FUNCTION OF THE LEGS.

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Minadeo helps a fan taken ill

On Sunday the former AC Milan defender Antonio Minadeo, this year at Campobasso, has become the protagonist of a gesture of solidarity that deserves to be told.
It was the 35 minutes the first time when Trapani-Campobasso, a game in progress, and Minadeo mate Ugo sweater jacket you saw that on the athletics track surrounding the pitch was something strange going on. You
the same Minadeo to tell the tale through the pages of the official website of the company Molise. "While the game was in progress we have seen a man collapse on the ground, and I Maglione we looked and we thought an object that had hit." In reality, the companion (the son) of a disabled lady who follow the matches of Trapani from the sidelines he fell to the ground probably caught by a seizure.
Minadeo sweater and without even looking where he had the ball, rushed to rescue the victim arrived on the spot and pulse have tried to make a heart massage realizing that the boy was bleeding from the head. Considering the seriousness situation of the two players have tried to attract the attention of rescue vehicles.
the end thanks to the swift reaction of the two teams of doctors, the ambulance service and volunteers, the boy was taken to hospital where he was subjected to Trapani to all the relevant checks and after a few days could do return home. In the days following
Minadeo Maglione and received the thanks of Trapani in Sicily and sports, and even those of President Mario Macalli pro league.
An episode that confirms that football is not just that of violence, but also that of sports fans and good people like this case.

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E 'a huge flag of 60 square feet to open the procession is slowly giving Esedra square in Rome. A square which has been gradually filling up. Crowded with young people, students, parents and teachers but also pupils of elementary strong cry of their intention to defend the Constitution. A slogan on everything from the meaning of the event: "The Constitution protects us, we defend the Constitution." No flag of the party, but a huge crowd with tricolor flags, badges and copies of the paper in his hand. Some reprints, some yellowed by time. Lots of handmade signs that read "Take the Constitution on the back: I adopt ..." and the part that has decided to defend. Many students with several articles of our Charter. In particular, students portano sulle loro spalle l’articolo 33 “L’arte e la scienza sono libere e libero ne è l’insegnamento”. Ma anche, l’articolo 4 letto con una triste prospettiva “La Repubblica riconosce a tutti i cittadini il diritto al lavoro e promuove le condizioni che rendano effettivo questo diritto”.

Un gruppo di bambini di una scuola multietnica di Roma, la Di Donato del quartiere Esquilino, regge uno striscione colorato. Ognuno di loro, dietro lo zainetto ha attaccato l’articolo 3 che recita: “Tutti i cittadini hanno pari dignità sociale e sono uguali davanti alla legge, senza distinzioni di sesso, razza, lingua, religione, opinione political, personal and social conditions. " Many articles 34 running in the procession, "the school is open to all capable and deserving students without financial resources also have the right to attain the highest levels of education." Virginia, 11 years attended the sixth grade and in addition to carrying on his shoulders Article 34 in his hand, on display like so many others who are marching by the Barberini volume is collected in the articles of our Constitution in hand.

"I am distressed - said Flavio Lotti, national spokesperson of the peace conference, which brought the long flag - on the grounds that the Italian arms continue to make the slaughters of innocents in Libya. Words are not enough to stop the bombs. Italy has the duty to defend human rights. We can not allow regains control Gaddafi of Libya with weapons. If this were to happen would result in a massacre of civilians and rights from which none of us could perform. " Lots urged the negotiating table is involved as the thousands of people who are marching today, "to remember that our Constitution is waiting to be implemented. Must be defended, but also implemented at the same time to give solidarity to those young people who are struggling to get one. "

Meanwhile, the network April 29 university researchers to organize good and better than a gazebo and launched an initiative: "Adopt an article of the Constitution." A researcher at the University of Rome La Sapienza pay a symbolic euro to the organizers of Cday that these days have spoken of this mobilization for self-financing in the Italian squares. "I adopted the Art .21, that for the freedom of the press - says Dr. Patricia in pharmacology - because if they want to muzzle the press gag even those like me cry out against the cuts, the research, against the development."

But it is the manifestation of many workers. Of those who chose to take to the streets coming from the rich regions d’Italia. “Sono emiliana – racconta a Giovanna, 50 anni – ma ho perso il lavoro da poco, la crisi sta toccando Regioni come la nostra, che non avevamo mai avuto grandi problemi di occupazione”. La donna si unisce ad un gruppo di operai della Technicolor di Roma, uno dei fiore all’occhiello dell’industria cinematografica italiana: 73 operai messi in cassa integrazione e mobilità.

Il lungo corteo incontra le tante migliaia di persone che aspettano da ore a piazza del Popolo. E dal palco del Cday viene lanciato l’appello a fermarsi per un minuto. Un minuto di silenzio per ricordare le vittime del terribile terremoto in Giappone. Si parte with assistance, preceded by the sound of the orchestra "resistance music" playing the Nabucco sung loudly by many protesters. "Long live the Constitution" is the slogan which is raised from the big stage. Then we start with the many familiar faces and including representatives from the world of entertainment, journalism, labor policy. Women as Ottavia Piccolo, Monica Guerritore, Fiorella Mannoia, Paola Lavin and then actors like Ascanio Celestini who read the first articles of the constitution.

In the square, among the people, the signs stand out against Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. "Berlusca, brain flabby" or "I Berlusconi did not hate, I just want to see him in a cell with Hannibal Lecter, "hand-held by a young unemployed with a child of 11 in tow. "I do not see the future - said - I lost my job, my husband is out of work for three years, was employed for 17 years in the field of glass processing, which today is facing a deep crisis."

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Spal in training emergency

delicate moment, the current one, a season of Split. The biancazzurri still dry victories in 2011, are in fact veterans of five consecutive defeats and a single point scored in their last seven games. A crisis of play and results that has resulted in recent weeks as the exchange on the bench and the exit from the upper tiers of the rankings.
the eve of the match against Sorrento to further complicate his life to the team led by Gian Marco Remondina have arisen absences of eight twenty-three members of the rose: Cipriani, Cosner, Migliorini, Pallara and Smit were injured, Coppola, Fofana Zamboni and must serve one-match ban.
weightlessness Remondina mysterious door to a revolution of form and mandatory training. The Spal is almost certainly line up with the form 4-3-2-1: Ravaglia front, on defense, the line consists of four Belleri right, Bortel and Battle stations, Ghetti (or G. Rossi) to the left; in the middle three, Paolo Rossi and Dove interior Bedin central Melara and courses are arranged on the remaining three quarters were too large and Fox will be the lone striker, while Thomas Locatelli seems to be intended to start on the bench.

Here is the list of players called biancazzurri: Albini, Anacleto, Battaglia, Bedin, Bellerive, Bortel, Busato, Capecchi, Dove, courses, Geovani, Ghetti, Locatelli, Melara, Ravaglia, Giovanni Rossi, Paolo Rossi, and Old Fox.

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In Ferrara a Sorrento tonic and concentrated

In the morning, before leaving for Naples where it will embark on the flight to Bologna, the Sorrento has supported the training of the field finishing Italy. The Milan team appeared very toned and concentration are very good training session under the watchful eye of Mr. Simonelli. Simon was also part of the group Angels almost certainly will not be used in Ferrara. On the sidelines were also reviewed and Rossi Erpen who have trained in set aside in Ferrara and cultural practices.
For tomorrow's meeting at the Bat, Mr. Simonelli is directed to repeat the same training camp down in the Alexandria. The only variation would be to Corsetti instead of out loud as Manco left. For the position of the left external defense seems to be De Giosa ahead to Saturday. The Rossoneri
training should therefore be as follows: Mancinelli on goal, the defensive line with four right Vanin, Earth and central Lo Monaco, De Giosa left. The central pair of median will consist Togni and Nicodemus on the right and left will Carlini Corsetti. The pair will consist of attack da Paulinho e Bonvissuto.
La terna arbitrale sarà composta dal signor Eugenio Abbattista di Molfetta e dagli assistenti Marco Avellano di Busto Arsizio e Paolo Donini di Bergamo.
Al seguito dei rossoneri ci saranno un centinaio di tifosi, la metà dei quali raggiungerà Ferrara con un bus che partirà da Sorrento domenica mattina alle cinque, caricando tifosi di tutti i comuni della penisola sorrentina ed uno di Scafati.
Chi resta a casa potrà ascoltare l’incontro in diretta radiofonica collegandosi al sito web di Rete Alfa  che trasmette tutti gli incontri della Spal. La radiocronaca inizierà a partire dalle ore 14.

Leggi also: Spal training in emergency

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In the Brazilian Amazon, the workers began to clear the land with bulldozers. In recent days, The Norte Energy, the company manufacturer of the much-disputed Belo Monte dam, sent his workers on the site to begin construction of the dam's construction and infrastructure in the project .
Amazonian Indians
request that it stop the construction of the Belo Monte dam.
© M. Cowan / Survival
The work is partly due to a "partial" installation license issued by the Brazilian Environment in January. The permits were were withdrawn for lack of compliance with environmental standards, but last week a new court set aside the suspension.

If built, the Belo Monte dam will become the third largest in the world. Could devastate a large area of \u200b\u200bforest and endanger the fish from which thousands of indigenous people depend for survival.

Hundreds of Indians from different tribes continue to protest. If the jig will be realized, the indigenous peoples involved threaten to transform the Xingu in a "river of blood" and be ready to give off a "war .

Last week, Amazon Indians three - two women and one man - have protested in London outside the offices of the Brazilian development bank BNDES, which is providing most of the funding.

"The dams would cause us harm cultural, social and environmental irreversible," said Sheyla Juruna, Juruna of the tribe, about the Belo Monte and other dams. "By investing in their construction, the BNDES invests in the destruction of the Amazon. Siamo trattati come animali – e ci vediamo violare tutti i nostri diritti.”

Il mese scorso gli Indiani hanno consegnato una petizione firmata da mezzo milione di persone al nuovo presidente del Brasile, Dilma Rousseff, sollecitandola a mettere fine a questo “disastroso” progetto.

Lunedì 14 marzo gli Indiani della regione dello Xingu parteciperanno a una spedizione di pesca collettiva in segno di protesta.

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International attention in recent weeks focusing on events in North Africa. And the tragedy that is consumed in the western part of the continent goes virtually unnoticed.
UNHCR needs more funds to help refugees and displaced Ivorians,
how these displaced women in the west of the country. © UNHCR / H.Caux

Cresce allora la preoccupazione dell’Alto Commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i Rifugiati (UNHCR) per la risposta - finora molto limitata - alla crisi in Costa d’Avorio. Con 370mila sfollati ad Abidjan e nell’ovest del paese, e 76.956 rifugiati in Liberia, il numero di persone costrette alla fuga si avvicina ormai a quota 500mila.
Lo scorso 14 gennaio l’Agenzia ha lanciato alla comunità internazionale un appello per 46 milioni di dollari necessari a far fronte al flusso di rifugiati in Liberia. Finora però sono arrivati solo 5 milioni di dollari. Altri 13 million have been pledged by donors. The new flows are, however, prompting the UNHCR to launch a new appeal - for a higher figure - next week. The Agency hopes that the donor response in this case is more positive.
meanwhile continue to deteriorate the security situation in Abidjan . 30 injured and three dead is the toll from clashes of March 6 in the district of Abobo and the next day in the district of Cocody. Checkpoints manned by armed men continue to make dangerous journeys around the country's main city, damage to the entire population.
Where possible, UNHCR continues to assist , often through local NGOs. Around the city were so far identified 20 sites where large amounts of displaced persons are concentrated. In some of these places, the number and needs of the population are still under investigation, but it is certain that there is an urgent need for food aid, including medicines.
In the rest of the country, violence flared in the west seems to extend from central and south-eastern . There is talk of attempts to prevent the movements and physical abuse - including cases of rape - in the testimonies of people fleeing.
As he told this week to operators UNHCR a girl of 21 years, managed to flee into Liberia with his son two years, after being beaten by the rebels for having resisted an attempt rape. And more and more refugees arrived in Liberia who report being involved in gun battles during the flight. Some of them were forced to find shelter and spent the night in the bush.
With these new flows, the Agency must update the plans for its operations in Liberia and to adjust the budget to prepare to assist up to 150 thousand refugees.
To support the fundraising campaign "EMERGENCY IVORY COAST, you can donate by credit card or bank transfer by calling the toll free number 800 298 000, on the website www. or by giro account number: 298 000 payable to UNHCR. Specify the reason: IVORY COAST EMERGENCY .

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picture of the Italian countryside

"CO2 is the main cause of climate change, 56% of energy in Chile is produced by emitting this gas. The water is clean energy. In favor of the water. Hidroaysén Chile with energy. " This is the most attractive and convincing spot that opens on the site of Hidroaysén , a company that calls itself "the largest project energy of Chile was founded in 2006 with the purpose of generating "considerable potential for clean and renewable energy" today is the subject of strong criticism from civil society of the Latin American country has taken steps to say no to mega project involves the construction and management by Hidroaysén five hydroelectric power stations, two in the Baker River and three on the Pascua River.

We are talking about two of the most important rivers flow ' water flowing in the Chilean Patagonia and are fed by glaciers Campo de Hielo Norte y Campo de Hielo Sur. Charming neighborhood as inhospitable, which - excluding the poles - has the largest amount of water of the globe, but also a wide variety of animals and plants that maintain a unique biodiversity in the world and - according to the environmentalists of the campaign - would be completely lost if the project was actually built, forever changing the look of one of the areas, so far, the most pristine on the planet.

For this campaign Patagonia sin represas - composed of about 70 organizations - has called all over the world to defend this area at the edge of the world, appeal which was accepted by a network of Italian organizations (including A South and CRBM , Campaign to Reform the World Bank) which served as the Italian countryside Patagonia without dams .

no coincidence that Italians need to mobilize to defend the water, and Patagonia. The fact is formed Hidroaysén Colbún for 49% and 51% owned by Endesa, a English company that is headed by Italian Enel (Company Profile in.pdf ) che la controlla per il 92% che a sua volta è partecipata per il 13,7% dal Ministero del Tesoro e per il 17,4% dalla Cassa Depositi e Prestiti: insomma lo Stato italiano,cioè noi comuni cittadini la controlliamo per oltre il 31%. Già questi dati dovrebbero bastare a renderci responsabili per un progetto che sta minacciando una delle risorse più importanti del pianeta. Ma se non dovesse essere sufficiente basta andare un pò più a fondo alla questione per scoprire che in realtà il Green Power , tanto reclamizzato dalla nostrana, Enel in realtà nasconde solo grandi affari economici . 

It is taking advantage of a country like Chile, which is still doing the deal with the democratization of institutions and a constitution of neo-liberal left a legacy of the bloody dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, it is easy to understand which does not provide any kind of protection for the environment. But there's more: the end of the dictatorship of the top political offices and businesses are easily interchanged as told by the documentary "All the water the world", aiming to protect big business. The proof is the fact that the current president of Chile, Sebastian Piñera è - secondo la rivista Forbes - uno dei più ricchi imprenditori del paese, proprietario della compagnia aerea Lan e di canali televisivi. Il tutto a spese delle categorie più deboli della società e dell'ambiente.  

Questione molto controversa è poi la campagna mediatica che sta conducendo la società Hidroaysén ma anche il governo cileno. Si fa credere alla gente che il Cile abbia bisogno di più energia e che questo megaprogetto sia l'unica soluzione. In realtà uno studio condotto da esperti del settore energetico dell’Università Santiago ( in.pdf ) presented in mid-2009, demonstrates that the project Hidroaysén is not a necessity. According to estimates by the National Energy Commission of Chile's energy needs in 2025 will amount to 22,736 MW.

The study examines all generation projects already approved by government agencies and these are added other projects already in the environmental assessment that will lead the national power generation capacity to 23,080 MW, an even greater potential of the Commission's estimates. The motivation seems to be closer to reality instead of all this energy is necessary for large companies - often multinational - which deal with mining in the north . Above all, the copper mines - of which Chile is the biggest exporter - as San Esteban known to all the bad adventure - fortunately with a happy ending - of the 33 miners nearly three months in the bowels of land near Copiapo.

HidroAysén The project in fact has nothing to do with the local population as well as the five dams also provides a network for the transport of energy in the north, over 2000 km long and it will cost 3.2 billion dollars. None of the 9 regions impacted by the project will benefit from the electricity produced. HidroAysén only provides a discount on your energy bill, but is now looking to increase benefits for the population in exchange for a non-opposition to the project.

The construction of large infrastructure such as dams seems follow a well-established strategy for power generation in sparsely populated areas, home to historically marginalized communities, which have undergone foreign invasion, and exterminating the local population are now planning the exploitation of environmental, social and cultural. Fate already befallen the Argentine side of Patagonia reduced to an endless grazing sheep wool (also here Italian liabilities there ) interspersed only by oil and gas wells.

The Italian campaign at the Patagonia without dams International Day against Dams of March 14, calls on all Italian citizens actively sending and by sending a postcard with the message "OUT OF PATAGONIA ENEL" CEO of the company. Fulvio Conti. A simple gesture, but not insignificant to make our voices heard. A good example of active citizenship.

( sent to Unimondo )

The Italian Campaign Coordination Patagonia Dams without consists :
Campaign to Reform the World Bank to the south, the International Civil Service, Latin American Studies Association, Cultural Association Aktiv, Italian Forum of Water Movements, Associations and our rights, the Italian Committee for the World Water Contract, Center for International Voluntary Service for Development Cooperation, Centre for Documentation on environmental conflicts.

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Loco - male pit bull to find the Pordenone Urgent

10/03/2011: About 6 years ago I rescued a pitbull mistreatment by his master gave him no food and they beat me every day then they are taken with me and slowly the dog is back on meat and started rifidarsi man but unfortunately I already had a female pit bull that has never accepted and often biting so when a friend of mine (5 years ago) gave the desire to take it if I was happy, finally Loco this is his name, would have the serenity that you deserve ... now he moved abroad and can not take it with you considering the restrictions of this type dogs ... x has already suffered so much now needs a home that is final! Loco is sweet, is 9 years old, does not pull on the leash, loves children, is selective with other dogs ... in the sense that not all be 'agreement but it is a gregarious and has a terrible need of affettto ... I'm here for him by phone this morning and nothing ... hopefully good ... die in a shelter.

Contact: Sarah 320.0932436 - mail:

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Nuclear Power Plant in Japan
Greenpeace expresses his condolences to quake victims che ha colpito oggi il Giappone .

Siamo preoccupati per i danni che il terremoto e lo tsunami possono aver provocato agli impianti nucleari, nonché alle altre industrie pericolose come le raffinerie di petrolio e di prodotti chimici.

Da notizie stampa apprendiamo che sono stati spenti venti reattori nucleari in quattro centrali e che  finora non è segnalato alcun rilascio di radiazioni. Siamo particolarmente preoccupati per gli effetti dello tsunami sugli impianti nucleari, in particolare sulla centrale nucleare di Fukushima, che potrebbe aver danneggiato i sistemi di raffreddamento dei reattori e i depositi radioactive waste. Even if they are stopped immediately, the reactors must be cooled and serve large amounts of water to avoid the risk of overheating and melting.

We continue to monitor a situation that is evolving rapidly . We hope that the investigations on the impacts to nuclear installations and the risks to the public and the environment are conducted independently and communicated to the public.

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L’Associazione Contribuenti Italiani chiede al Governo di liberare subito i centenari dalla sudditanza delle tasse. A tal fine l’Associazione chiede un decreto legge per esonerare, al compimento del centesimo anno di età, i cittadini dal pagamento delle imposte.

I centenari in Italia, secondo una indagine dell’Associazione Contribuenti Italiani, che sarà pubblicata sul magazine , sono circa 8600 , di cui l’85% donne e 15% uomini. La maggior parte di loro, ogni anno, riceve un accertamento per non aver dimenticato di presentare la dichiarazione dei redditi, o peggio ancora, for pointing out an incorrect tax code.

" The proposal stems from a twofold consideration " - says Victor Charlemagne, of the 'Association Contributor Italian - " The first is that people who invented the tax code and believed in reincarnation or provided Italian citizens who could live only 99 years. Subsequently, the system does not recognize them more, and allocates the tax code to a new born. Decreed that the death tax centenary. The second - Charlemagne continues - is that thinks is right that the Italian State non continui più a torturare il cittadino dopo i 100 anni. Sarebbe bello che il Presidente della Repubblica Napolitano potesse consegnare al neocentenario il titolo onorario di Senatore dei Contribuenti d’Italia liberandolo, al contempo, dalla sudditanza delle tasse ”.

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Simon looks at the future with serenity and humility

After training on Friday Mr. Simonelli was granted to reporters by addressing the issue of the state of mental and physical shape of the Milan team and future prospects .
The Rossoneri, without excessive demands food proved to be optimistic about the team's chances, saying that the championship is still long and everything can still happen, for better or for worse.
The numbers are irrefutable, said Simonelli. Until now, outside the home we had the same return of home games and would benefit that from now on we could collect a little more.
The team is good and this gives me confidence. If we are humble, and if some bad guys and we will not be overwhelmed by thoughts, and we will keep the focus on what needs to be done, we can get a result against all.
The match with the Alexandria told me that we have regained confidence in ourselves and the ability to react to adversity and difficulties, so I trust the guys, and look to the future with serenity, but also with great humility.
Sunday's game will be a tough and difficult. The Spal is an opponent difficult from a technical standpoint. We will find a team hurt, then angry, very determined and bad. Have recently had many problems and have different absent. Paradoxically, from the psychological point of view, these circumstances do not help us because it will increase the determination of those who take the field.

The full interview can be heard by clicking on the triangle to the right of the bar of the audio player below.

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compounding-milleproroghe: Two weeks after the hog A BUTLER GOVERNMENT OF BANKERS, Loffredo COURT (BN) LEAVES UNDER CONSULTATION.

Come Adusbef aveva facilmente pronosticato nei giorni scorsi,la porcata del Governo inserita nel milleproroghe in merito alla prescrizione decennale degli interessi anatocistici che ha cercato di cancellare consolidate judgments of the Supreme Court more than a decade obtained from court battles Att. Antonio Tanza dell'Adusbef and was called today with an order of the Constitutional Court, the Judge of the Court of Ordinary Benevento Andrea Loffredo .

's just the first order for a long series of appeals with a request for referral to the Constitutional Court milleproroghe the decree, in so far as "interpreting" art. 2935 cc on the requirements of rights arising from the record into account, which as stated unequivocal judgments of the Supreme Court of Cassation, assign action brought by the client to the bank for rely on the invalidity of the clause which provides, for example, the compounding, the year limitation period from the closing date of the current account.

The Chambers. Antonio Tanza, dell'Adusbef vice president, had made available on the websites ., The legal act prepared by 20 years of experience in banking law, as the Italian law, which have ongoing litigation against the banks, to be buried under an avalanche of written rules unconstitutional under the direct dictation of ABI, the Banks and Bank of Italy tends to throwing in the sponge on the rights of consumers.

The Government and Economy Minister Tremonti, the diligence of the wishes of ABI and Bank of Italy have been fooled by the numbers "30 to 50 billion € of compound interest that would have crippled the system Italian banks, "without reflecting on the fact that the quarterly capitalization of interest, no longer apply in 1999 as a result of repeated rulings of the Supreme Court, was related to some thousands of victims who had kept the bank statements of account opening, not the generality of borrowers, with the request of the extracts accounts, limited to the last 10 years, cutting off over 90% of consumers who can legally require bank statements only until March 2001 when the compound interest was no longer applied. In their haste to act as stewards of the bankers, Economy Minister Tremonti and the Government, you are fooled by ABI, commercial banks and Bank of Italy, even in amounts to be repaid, which could amount to a tenth of what they feared institutes credit for throwing in the sponge.

in the contested norm - the judge writes the order Loffredo - the legislature clearly manifests the intent to give the same kind of norma di interpretazione autentica dell’art. 2935 codice civile ( “ La prescrizione comincia a decorrere dal giorno in cui il diritto può essere fatto valere “ ) aggiungendo che “ In ordine alle operazioni bancarie regolate in conto corrente l’art. 2935 del codice civile si interpreta nel senso che la prescrizione relativa ai diritti nascenti dall’annotazione in conto inizia a decorrere dal giorno dell’annotazione stessa “.

E’ evidente l’intento e la finalità di consentire l’applicazione retroattiva, e quindi anche ai giudizi pendenti, della norma, alla stregua di ogni vera ed autentica legge di interpretazione autentica. Orbene le norme interpretative, che il legislatore può adottare quando la scelta imposta dalla legge rientri tra le possibili varianti di senso del testo originario di una norma, non possono violare i limiti generali all'efficacia retroattiva delle leggi, che attengono alla salvaguardia, oltre che dei principi costituzionali, di altri fondamentali valori di civiltà giuridica posti a tutela dei destinatari della norma e dello stesso ordinamento. Tra detti principi spiccano il rispetto del principio generale di ragionevolezza, il principio del divieto di introdurre ingiustificate disparità di trattamento, il principio della tutela dell'affidamento legittimamente sorto nei soggetti per l’effetto nomofilattico delle pronunce della Corte di Cassazione, la coerenza e la certezza dell'ordinamento giuridico, il rispetto e la non invasione delle funzioni costituzionalmente riservate al potere giudiziario.

Nel caso dell’impugnata norma tali limiti risultano platealmente superati, atteso che :

1 ) non vi era alcun dubbio interpretativo in ordine alla decorrenza della prescrizione dei diritti nascenti dall’annotazione nelle operazioni bancarie regolate in conto corrente, atteso che sul punto vi era costante ed uniforme giurisprudenza della Suprema Corte di Cassazione, la quale ultima peraltro, recentemente, con sentenza a Sezioni Unite n. 24418/10 del 2/12/2010, aveva ribadito quanto sostenuto da anni e cioè che “ Se, dopo la conclusione di un contratto di apertura di credito bancario regolato in conto corrente, il correntista agisce per far dichiarare la nullità della clausola che prevede la corresponsione di interessi anatocistici e per la ripetizione di quanto pagato indebitamente a questo titolo, il termine di prescrizione decennale cui tale azione di ripetizione è soggetta decorre, qualora i versamenti eseguiti dal correntista in pendenza del rapporto abbiano avuto solo funzione ripristinatoria della provvista, dalla data in cui è stato estinto il saldo di chiusura del conto in cui gli interessi non dovuti sono stati registrati “. Relativamente a tale recente decisione, It should be noted that the Supreme Court had to rule the United Sections of the guidelines not to differences between different sections of the same, but only for the particular importance of the issues raised. "

2) decades of banking experts and the same case law has clarified that it is correct to distinguish the legal acts by which rights arise from simple credit and debit transactions accounting accreditation, which is carried out using the technique of writing and recording, for which the transaction amount of credit or debit card does not match the setting up of claims or debts, but is simply a way of representing the objective and quantitative changes that undergoes a single report required in the course of its operation. It follows that during the course of the ratio is attributed to either the contractors as a debtor or creditor but it leaves each of the parties to complete extinction of the report, in its respective position. For these reasons, it is the doctrine that the Court has always held that the bank credit agreements with repeated execution of more performance, are contracts unit, giving rise to a unique legal relationship, even if articulated in a number of executive acts that the series of deposits, withdrawals and credits only determines the only quantitative changes original report. So only with the final bill will definitively determine the claims and liabilities of the parties to each other and forces it to fall due. The result is the irrationality of the contested provision, as in the form malcelatamente interpretation, actually innovates and comes up against not only with the legal framework and the legal nature of their banking account referred to in Articles. 1852-1857 cc but also with the general principle stated in Article. 2935 cc in terms of effect of limitation.

3) the statute of limitations, while having a substantial, produce their effects on the procedural level, since that invoke the discontinuance of those you can prevent the holders of rights to obtain the execution by judicial process. It follows that if the contested provision is also applicable to the past and to proceedings in progress, there would be not only a breach of the principle of equality and unjustified unequal treatment, but also a frustration with Article 24 of the Constitution, as well as unwarranted invasion of the prerogatives of the ordinary courts in violation of Article. 102 of the Constitution.

4) an appeal pursuant to realize, finally, flagrant violation of the principles to protect the savings of households and businesses, which latter affects the free economic initiative, in breach of Articles. 41 and 47 of the Constitution. The provision, in fact, paradoxically, contained in a bill entitled "Extension of deadlines set by laws and emergency tax and business support and families" rather than supporting families and businesses rather negatively affects the legitimate expectations of they get in return for large sums accounted for by the other party during the course of reporting on current account and received in violation of public policy which the ban dell'anatocismo and of course the limitation the day on which the law can be invoked, thereby also conducted by the effects tend to be usurious. On the other hand, the rule of government initiative and with a maxi amendment inserted in the text of yet another decree Milleproroghe cd a few days after the end of it and submitted to a vote of confidence with consequential substantial frustration of the power of Parliament to make changes (we know that many of the deputies and senators are lawyers who know the ongoing civil litigation between banks and depositors), although defined by early commentators as "the law saves banks, even irreparably harmful to the right of banks to obtain sums in return mortgage given to the current system of credit to the account, if you wrote down before ten years after the formal request for return and pay the final balance of the account is closed.

The considerations developed above are even more right about the second part of the contested provision, ie the sort of transitional provision which provides that "... In any case does not rise to the repayment of amounts already paid on the date of entry into force of the law of conversion of this decree. " Normally this will be completely absurd and incomprehensible, which, with nothing to add and clarify, determines that those (even a bank) is at his misfortune to have paid on the date of 27.02.2011 (date of entry into force of Law No 10/2011 of conversion) of the amounts credited to a report in adjusted current account can not get it " in any case "in return from his debtor.

order not to hurt anyone's intelligence you omit any further comment, simply noting that that second part of the contested rule is killing not only of the major legal and constitutional rules mentioned above, but also the most basic canons of logic and prudence required in the regulatory rules of the relationship between associates.


Bedding Articles. 134 and 137 of the Constitution, a constitutional law of 02/09/1948 n. 1 and 23 of Law No. 11/3/1953 87 the Ordinary Court of Benevento promotes office, for violation of Articles. 3, 24, 41, 47 and 102 of the Constitution, the question of the constitutionality of Law No. 10 02.26.2011 conversion amending Decree Law No 29/12/2010 225 in that article. A one paragraph, referring to the attachment "Changes in the conversion to Decree Law No 29 December 2010 225 "introduced into law the following standard: "Changes in the conversion to Decree Law No 29 December 2010 225:

art. 2 After paragraph 19 add the following paragraphs: ... omission ... "61.In order to adjust current account banking art. 2935 of the Civil Code is interpreted to mean that the limitation on the rights arising from the record in account begins from the date of the annotation itself. In any case do not rise to the repayment of amounts already paid on the date of entry into force of the law of conversion of this decree. "

Sort by the clerk that this order is served on the parties and the President of the Council of Ministers and the Chairman of the Senate and the President of the Chamber of Deputies and the outcome is forwarded to the Constitutional Court with the case file and with proof of the above notifications and communications occurred regularly.

Benevento, March 10, 2011
The single judge dr. Andrea Loffredo.

Adusbef, certain that the filthy salvabanche passed by the Berlusconi government-Tremonti, will be judged unconstitutional by the Advisory salvabanche the same way as laws promoted by the governments D'Alema in 1999 and in 2001 Amato, denounced the stain on the figures provided by the banksters our own litigation and that the Ministry of Economy has taken for good, blindly trusting the bankers, unlike the banking and consumer users, who do not drink more long, the nonsense provided by Abi, Bank of Italy and credit institutions.


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The conference organized by Adusbef and Federconsumatori for Tuesday 15 March from 9.30 in Rome, Palazzo San Macuto , Via del Seminario, 76 titled compound interest, usury, saving betrayed such a protection? to discuss the decree Milleproroghe, attempting yet another stroke of a pen on the rights acquired by established Supreme Court rulings, comes after the first order of Judge of the Court of Benevento, Andrea Loffredo, that on March 10, 2011 he left to Constitutional Court under the salvabanche sull'anatocismo nell’ultimo decreto Milleproroghe.

Domenico Gallo e Vincenzo Marinelli, magistrati di Cassazione, Mauro De Marzio , Giudice della Corte di Appello di Roma, gli avv. Antonio Tanza (Adusbef),Vanna Pizzi (Federconsumatori) e Domenico Guadalupi (Giovani avvocati Aiga), Massimo De Blasi (commercialista), dibatteranno su usi,abusi ed ordinari soprusi del sistema bancario, con il senatore Giovanni Legnini (Partito Democratico), Antonio Di Pietro,Massimo Donadi e Felice Belisario (presidente e capigruppo alla Camera ed al Senato dell’Italia dei Valori).

Proprio la norma contenuta nel decreto Milleproroghe year limitation period on interest anatocistici applied to bank customers, has been referred to the Constitutional Court yesterday , one of the first orders by the judge of the Court of Ordinary Benevento Andrea Loffredo, for the flagrant breach of the principles of protection of savings of households and businesses, which affects the latest free enterprise in violation of the Article. 41 and 47 of the Constitution. The rule "crap" of milleproroghe fact, provides that the limitation period runs from each transaction, whereby the individual rights of those who received the money for compound interest, even if the prescription was calculated differently, in the opinion of Judge Loffredo, which incorporates the points made by Adv. Antonio Tanza, vice-president Adusbef, rather than supporting families and businesses, but negatively affects the legitimate expectations of them to get huge sums in return accounted for by the other party during the course of relations in the current account.

In the case in which it challenges the provision of Milleproroghe , the court of Benevento emphasizes, inter alia, the "unreasonableness" of the standard, because "in fact innovation and collides not only with the legislative framework and the legal nature of their banking account "but also with the general principle from which the prescription cancellando consolidate sentenze di Cassazione,specie l’ultima a Sezioni Unite Civili,la n.24418 del 2.12.2010.

L’imprescrittibilità dell'azione promossa dal cliente verso la banca per far valere la nullità della clausola che prevede , ad esempio, l'anatocismo, ai sensi dell'art. 1422 del codice civile, significa che la prescrizione dei diritti derivanti dall'annotazione non potrà mai intaccare il diritto dell'utente ad un'azione giudiziaria volta a far dichiarare la nullità delle clausole contrattuali originariamente nulle, quali quella dell'anatocismo (art. 1283 cod.civile),degli interessi ultralegali "uso piazza" o dei giorni di valuta "Fictitious" (art. 1284 Civil Code), etc.. As the demand for recovery of the (unfair because it arises from a store null) has a prerequisite: the payment, without which we certainly can not repeat what was never paid.

In their haste to act as stewards of the bankers, Economy Minister Tremonti and the Government , you are fooled by ABI, commercial banks and Bank of Italy, not only by a rule to be unconstitutional deleted from the consultation, but also by the stain on the amounts to be repaid, which could be incurred in the absence of a true class action, the banking system.

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Forum on alert Adiconsum Rc Car emphasized on some specific problems.

"I'm coming ISVAP penalties for insurance companies millions of € - said Peter Jordan, National Secretary Adiconsum - Italian insurance money that the business could use to heal critical situations and instead preferred to evaporate in pursue penalties for attempting to avoid the obligation to issue the RC Car. An attempt futile and provocative that the Authority has not gone unnoticed by the industry ".

Italy is now a country cut in half due to a pricing policy companies that offer discounts of more than 30 % in regions like (those of the North), while applying much higher rates in the southern regions, exerting a sort of territorial discrimination that is upon all insured persons irrespective of their geographical location.

In lack of urgency and a comparison Standing with consumers Ania likely to charge the full weight and responsibility of what could come from that crisis is the bloodiest car insurance in the last 15 years.

"The government - concludes Jordan - not wait to take action and make further suggestions in the immediate operational insurance industry, the first step towards a lasting solution to the crisis. All'Ania relaunched proposed an urgent meeting, consumers tend the hand with responsibility, but not abused ".