influenza activity showed a decline in all indicators that are constantly monitored by the Centre , however values \u200b\u200bof various parameters monitored individually remain higher than the data collected during previous epidemics influenza :
n Eight of the ten regions in the United States of America have been divided to monitor the influence of influenza activity continue to report higher to what one would expect for the normal period of the season.
Although the incidence of ILI is declining, the number of physician visits for influenza-like disorders Contina to stay high nationally.
The number of hospitalizations continues to maintain them higher than normal for this time of year and band hardest hit in the U.S. continues to be that children (0 to 4 years ).
The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P & I) based on data received from 122 city sample decreased when compared to last week , but the number of fatalities remains higher than normal period. That just passed is the ninth consecutive week where deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza remain above the epidemic threshold levels .
The virus' influenza A (H1N1) 2009 confirms the widely prevalent strain . The almost all of samples analyzed in the laboratory during the week continues to belong to the pandemic strain .
Despite some sporadic mutations in the virus continues to remain similar to the one selected for the composition of the pandemic vaccine and few exceptions, remains sensitive to antiviral drugs oseltamivir e zanamivir .
Analizzati i dati che ho riassunto in questo articolo ritengo che si possa confermare la tendenza al declino della attuale ondata pandemica , tuttavia gli indicatori osservati segnalano che la pandemia non si può ritenere conclusa e che non si possono escludere ulteriori ondate . Allo stato attuale non si può prevedere quale sarà la durata dell'intervallo , nè quale sarà l'intensità della prossima ondata , tuttavia analizzati i grafici degli anni precedenti , ritengo sia necessario prestare una particolare attenzione all' andamento degli indicatori a cavallo tra late December and mid January, a period when, normally, we witness an increase in influenza-like illness.
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