The photograph on the right, taken with a special lighting system allows us to see what usually happens when a person sneezes near us:
analysis of a movie shot with a machine of high speed cameras say that the goccioline di saliva ed altre secrezioni respiratorie emesse con un colpo di tosse od uno starnuto si muovono a una velocità di circa 150 km l’ora .
Per essere certi di non contrarre l'influenza (pandemica o stagionale) od anche solo il raffreddore, è bene attenersi alle seguenti regole:
- mantenere sempre una distanza di “sicurezza” dagli estranei di almeno 50 cm ;
- mantenersi ad almeno 2 metri di distanza dalle persone che tossiscono ;
- tenere una distanza di almeno 1.5 meters who sneezes ;
L ' most effective weapon to defend themselves from the influence is definitely prevention. To protect themselves adequately enough observe a number of simple precautions in their daily life , capable of preventing the spread of germs that cause respiratory infections.
course in addition to protecting ourselves, it will be well safeguard the health of other therefore are useful now widely known standards, first of all the cover nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze and throw in the towel garbage after using it;
In the case of influenza is also a good idea to stay home and limit contact with other people to avoid infecting .
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