The veterinarian who took care of the poor kitten, who presented the symptoms of pneumonia , it was suspicious being aware of the fact that in the animal host family there have been cases in influenza "A" . So he decided to put the cat to analysis.
The prof. Didier Houssin confirmed that infection with influenza A viruses (H1N1) 2009 in the cat was confirmed by microbiological investigations.
The case, which specifies the Directorate General of Health French, took place in the town of Bouches-du-Rhône .
" This is not an isolated case ," says the prof . Didier Houssin (in picture left) : " There have been several cases of this kind abroad. Recently there have been infections of dogs in China, a cat had already starred in a similar event in the United States . "
Apparently the virus is transmitted among different species. They are widely known numerous cases of infection of pigs , but also turkeys, ferrets and other wildlife .
According to initial findings have been contaminated man-> animal (most likely in cases of domestic animals) or animal-> man (more common on farms) would seem to require a close and prolonged contact with sick other species, so if we are wrong, to avoid infecting our Fido and Fuffy, stiamogli away! We will avoid so that you can get sick!
In suspected cases should be use the veterinarian who will determine disease and take appropriate treatment.
The problem is not to be underestimated because infection between different species could facilitate the possibility of recombination virus mutations and consequent .
In suspected cases should be use the veterinarian who will determine disease and take appropriate treatment.
The problem is not to be underestimated because infection between different species could facilitate the possibility of recombination virus mutations and consequent .
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