Come Adusbef aveva facilmente pronosticato nei giorni scorsi,la porcata del Governo inserita nel milleproroghe in merito alla prescrizione decennale degli interessi anatocistici che ha cercato di cancellare consolidate judgments of the Supreme Court more than a decade obtained from court battles Att. Antonio Tanza dell'Adusbef and was called today with an order of the Constitutional Court, the Judge of the Court of Ordinary Benevento Andrea Loffredo .
's just the first order for a long series of appeals with a request for referral to the Constitutional Court milleproroghe the decree, in so far as "interpreting" art. 2935 cc on the requirements of rights arising from the record into account, which as stated unequivocal judgments of the Supreme Court of Cassation, assign action brought by the client to the bank for rely on the invalidity of the clause which provides, for example, the compounding, the year limitation period from the closing date of the current account.
The Chambers. Antonio Tanza, dell'Adusbef vice president, had made available on the websites ., The legal act prepared by 20 years of experience in banking law, as the Italian law, which have ongoing litigation against the banks, to be buried under an avalanche of written rules unconstitutional under the direct dictation of ABI, the Banks and Bank of Italy tends to throwing in the sponge on the rights of consumers.
The Government and Economy Minister Tremonti, the diligence of the wishes of ABI and Bank of Italy have been fooled by the numbers "30 to 50 billion € of compound interest that would have crippled the system Italian banks, "without reflecting on the fact that the quarterly capitalization of interest, no longer apply in 1999 as a result of repeated rulings of the Supreme Court, was related to some thousands of victims who had kept the bank statements of account opening, not the generality of borrowers, with the request of the extracts accounts, limited to the last 10 years, cutting off over 90% of consumers who can legally require bank statements only until March 2001 when the compound interest was no longer applied. In their haste to act as stewards of the bankers, Economy Minister Tremonti and the Government, you are fooled by ABI, commercial banks and Bank of Italy, even in amounts to be repaid, which could amount to a tenth of what they feared institutes credit for throwing in the sponge.
in the contested norm - the judge writes the order Loffredo - the legislature clearly manifests the intent to give the same kind of norma di interpretazione autentica dell’art. 2935 codice civile ( “ La prescrizione comincia a decorrere dal giorno in cui il diritto può essere fatto valere “ ) aggiungendo che “ In ordine alle operazioni bancarie regolate in conto corrente l’art. 2935 del codice civile si interpreta nel senso che la prescrizione relativa ai diritti nascenti dall’annotazione in conto inizia a decorrere dal giorno dell’annotazione stessa “.
The Government and Economy Minister Tremonti, the diligence of the wishes of ABI and Bank of Italy have been fooled by the numbers "30 to 50 billion € of compound interest that would have crippled the system Italian banks, "without reflecting on the fact that the quarterly capitalization of interest, no longer apply in 1999 as a result of repeated rulings of the Supreme Court, was related to some thousands of victims who had kept the bank statements of account opening, not the generality of borrowers, with the request of the extracts accounts, limited to the last 10 years, cutting off over 90% of consumers who can legally require bank statements only until March 2001 when the compound interest was no longer applied. In their haste to act as stewards of the bankers, Economy Minister Tremonti and the Government, you are fooled by ABI, commercial banks and Bank of Italy, even in amounts to be repaid, which could amount to a tenth of what they feared institutes credit for throwing in the sponge.
in the contested norm - the judge writes the order Loffredo - the legislature clearly manifests the intent to give the same kind of norma di interpretazione autentica dell’art. 2935 codice civile ( “ La prescrizione comincia a decorrere dal giorno in cui il diritto può essere fatto valere “ ) aggiungendo che “ In ordine alle operazioni bancarie regolate in conto corrente l’art. 2935 del codice civile si interpreta nel senso che la prescrizione relativa ai diritti nascenti dall’annotazione in conto inizia a decorrere dal giorno dell’annotazione stessa “.
E’ evidente l’intento e la finalità di consentire l’applicazione retroattiva, e quindi anche ai giudizi pendenti, della norma, alla stregua di ogni vera ed autentica legge di interpretazione autentica. Orbene le norme interpretative, che il legislatore può adottare quando la scelta imposta dalla legge rientri tra le possibili varianti di senso del testo originario di una norma, non possono violare i limiti generali all'efficacia retroattiva delle leggi, che attengono alla salvaguardia, oltre che dei principi costituzionali, di altri fondamentali valori di civiltà giuridica posti a tutela dei destinatari della norma e dello stesso ordinamento. Tra detti principi spiccano il rispetto del principio generale di ragionevolezza, il principio del divieto di introdurre ingiustificate disparità di trattamento, il principio della tutela dell'affidamento legittimamente sorto nei soggetti per l’effetto nomofilattico delle pronunce della Corte di Cassazione, la coerenza e la certezza dell'ordinamento giuridico, il rispetto e la non invasione delle funzioni costituzionalmente riservate al potere giudiziario.
Nel caso dell’impugnata norma tali limiti risultano platealmente superati, atteso che :
1 ) non vi era alcun dubbio interpretativo in ordine alla decorrenza della prescrizione dei diritti nascenti dall’annotazione nelle operazioni bancarie regolate in conto corrente, atteso che sul punto vi era costante ed uniforme giurisprudenza della Suprema Corte di Cassazione, la quale ultima peraltro, recentemente, con sentenza a Sezioni Unite n. 24418/10 del 2/12/2010, aveva ribadito quanto sostenuto da anni e cioè che “ Se, dopo la conclusione di un contratto di apertura di credito bancario regolato in conto corrente, il correntista agisce per far dichiarare la nullità della clausola che prevede la corresponsione di interessi anatocistici e per la ripetizione di quanto pagato indebitamente a questo titolo, il termine di prescrizione decennale cui tale azione di ripetizione è soggetta decorre, qualora i versamenti eseguiti dal correntista in pendenza del rapporto abbiano avuto solo funzione ripristinatoria della provvista, dalla data in cui è stato estinto il saldo di chiusura del conto in cui gli interessi non dovuti sono stati registrati “. Relativamente a tale recente decisione, It should be noted that the Supreme Court had to rule the United Sections of the guidelines not to differences between different sections of the same, but only for the particular importance of the issues raised. "
2) decades of banking experts and the same case law has clarified that it is correct to distinguish the legal acts by which rights arise from simple credit and debit transactions accounting accreditation, which is carried out using the technique of writing and recording, for which the transaction amount of credit or debit card does not match the setting up of claims or debts, but is simply a way of representing the objective and quantitative changes that undergoes a single report required in the course of its operation. It follows that during the course of the ratio is attributed to either the contractors as a debtor or creditor but it leaves each of the parties to complete extinction of the report, in its respective position. For these reasons, it is the doctrine that the Court has always held that the bank credit agreements with repeated execution of more performance, are contracts unit, giving rise to a unique legal relationship, even if articulated in a number of executive acts that the series of deposits, withdrawals and credits only determines the only quantitative changes original report. So only with the final bill will definitively determine the claims and liabilities of the parties to each other and forces it to fall due. The result is the irrationality of the contested provision, as in the form malcelatamente interpretation, actually innovates and comes up against not only with the legal framework and the legal nature of their banking account referred to in Articles. 1852-1857 cc but also with the general principle stated in Article. 2935 cc in terms of effect of limitation.
3) the statute of limitations, while having a substantial, produce their effects on the procedural level, since that invoke the discontinuance of those you can prevent the holders of rights to obtain the execution by judicial process. It follows that if the contested provision is also applicable to the past and to proceedings in progress, there would be not only a breach of the principle of equality and unjustified unequal treatment, but also a frustration with Article 24 of the Constitution, as well as unwarranted invasion of the prerogatives of the ordinary courts in violation of Article. 102 of the Constitution.
4) an appeal pursuant to realize, finally, flagrant violation of the principles to protect the savings of households and businesses, which latter affects the free economic initiative, in breach of Articles. 41 and 47 of the Constitution. The provision, in fact, paradoxically, contained in a bill entitled "Extension of deadlines set by laws and emergency tax and business support and families" rather than supporting families and businesses rather negatively affects the legitimate expectations of they get in return for large sums accounted for by the other party during the course of reporting on current account and received in violation of public policy which the ban dell'anatocismo and of course the limitation the day on which the law can be invoked, thereby also conducted by the effects tend to be usurious. On the other hand, the rule of government initiative and with a maxi amendment inserted in the text of yet another decree Milleproroghe cd a few days after the end of it and submitted to a vote of confidence with consequential substantial frustration of the power of Parliament to make changes (we know that many of the deputies and senators are lawyers who know the ongoing civil litigation between banks and depositors), although defined by early commentators as "the law saves banks, even irreparably harmful to the right of banks to obtain sums in return mortgage given to the current system of credit to the account, if you wrote down before ten years after the formal request for return and pay the final balance of the account is closed.
The considerations developed above are even more right about the second part of the contested provision, ie the sort of transitional provision which provides that "... In any case does not rise to the repayment of amounts already paid on the date of entry into force of the law of conversion of this decree. " Normally this will be completely absurd and incomprehensible, which, with nothing to add and clarify, determines that those (even a bank) is at his misfortune to have paid on the date of 27.02.2011 (date of entry into force of Law No 10/2011 of conversion) of the amounts credited to a report in adjusted current account can not get it " in any case "in return from his debtor.
order not to hurt anyone's intelligence you omit any further comment, simply noting that that second part of the contested rule is killing not only of the major legal and constitutional rules mentioned above, but also the most basic canons of logic and prudence required in the regulatory rules of the relationship between associates.
Bedding Articles. 134 and 137 of the Constitution, a constitutional law of 02/09/1948 n. 1 and 23 of Law No. 11/3/1953 87 the Ordinary Court of Benevento promotes office, for violation of Articles. 3, 24, 41, 47 and 102 of the Constitution, the question of the constitutionality of Law No. 10 02.26.2011 conversion amending Decree Law No 29/12/2010 225 in that article. A one paragraph, referring to the attachment "Changes in the conversion to Decree Law No 29 December 2010 225 "introduced into law the following standard: "Changes in the conversion to Decree Law No 29 December 2010 225:
art. 2 After paragraph 19 add the following paragraphs: ... omission ... "61.In order to adjust current account banking art. 2935 of the Civil Code is interpreted to mean that the limitation on the rights arising from the record in account begins from the date of the annotation itself. In any case do not rise to the repayment of amounts already paid on the date of entry into force of the law of conversion of this decree. "
Sort by the clerk that this order is served on the parties and the President of the Council of Ministers and the Chairman of the Senate and the President of the Chamber of Deputies and the outcome is forwarded to the Constitutional Court with the case file and with proof of the above notifications and communications occurred regularly.
Benevento, March 10, 2011
The single judge dr. Andrea Loffredo.
Adusbef, certain that the filthy salvabanche passed by the Berlusconi government-Tremonti, will be judged unconstitutional by the Advisory salvabanche the same way as laws promoted by the governments D'Alema in 1999 and in 2001 Amato, denounced the stain on the figures provided by the banksters our own litigation and that the Ministry of Economy has taken for good, blindly trusting the bankers, unlike the banking and consumer users, who do not drink more long, the nonsense provided by Abi, Bank of Italy and credit institutions.
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