We finally! Sunday, March 13, 2011 A new appointment with rinomatissima " Cup Carnival - City of Saviano " cicloamatoriale competitive race came to the 14th edition and remembered by all cyclists as "the classic Spring."
now the date is near, and renewed with the Cycling Club and Friends of the foot each year for the same period, as the cycling competition is now closed as usual at the various carnival events organized and sponsored by Carnival savianese Foundation. The event is scheduled Sunday morning at 8:30 am by Saviano Course in Italy for the start of the first batteria ché, vedrà al via i master40, cioè gli atleti dai 40 ai 65 anni, i quali si daranno battaglia su di un circuito di 8 km da ripetere 7 volte per un totale di 56 km , mentre i giovani, dai 18 ai 39 anni, partiranno alle 10: 30 per rincorrersi sullo stesso circuito per 8 volte per un totale di 64 km .
Come dicevo grande appuntamento quindi qui a Saviano, gara questa sentita un po’ da tutti visto ché ogni anno il numero degli iscritti supera sempre abbondantemente i 200, l’anno scorso si sono presentati ufficialmente alla partenza 275, superando il record stabilito nell’anno 2002 con ben 267 iscritti , i numeri parlano chiaro Cup Carnival in Campania is the race that has more cyclists at the start.
We still remember that, for the 7th consecutive year, there will be a special prize that will go to the more combative for both batteries in honor of the legendary Marco Pantani , which will remain forever in our hearts as well to the many prizes that will enrich the final stage and grabs sprint every lap, so we hope to win the best, to remember that last year the winners were Pepe Roberto Sorrentino athlete Velosport arriving in alone among the over 40 and Valletta Antonio team Eurorida Busico in a sprint ranks low among young people.
Our success has been due in part to efforts by the many great sponsors who help support us, both technically and economically, istuzioni always present, primarily the prof. Rosa Mayor of Bouillon Saviano, prof. Alfonso Ferrara Councillor for Sport and the president of the Foundation Savianese Carnival and the police, because this sport is that you in the street and no shortage of responsibility.
The Team Friends of the pedal President John Simonelli and handyman Joachim Ciccone will gather on Sunday morning March 13 Courses in Italy at 8:30 for another wonderful edition of the Carnival Cup and certainly all motorcycle enthusiasts will appreciate once again the deeds of the interpreters of this beautiful sport.
Joachim Ciccone
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