will start the weekend of 12 and 13 March, the new date for the Minialtura in the Gulf of Naples.
organized by the Lega Navale di Napoli, Nautical Club of Tower of the Greek and the Club Nautico of sailing, the Bay of Naples Minialtura Championship is open to all boats and sport boats at sea will also in April and June, during the two weekends of April and 2:03 4:05 June 2011.
debut Saturday in the Water Tower of the Greek with the organization of the local club chaired by Aldo seminar last weekend that he oversaw the organization of the last round of winter that coincided with the first round of Sails Levante (the Challenge of Commons was won by the city of Piano di Sorrento).
Next weekend space, and then, back to racing with the Championship Minialtura that giving away the trophy Alfa Romeo Naples Center. The car, in fact, is sponsoring the event along with North Sails point Naples.
"Our intent is to bring a Torre del Greco – spiega Gianluigi Ascione, vicepresidente del Circolo Nautico di Torre del Greco e delegato Fiv per l’altura – manifestazioni dal forte spirito aggregativo. Avremo circa una quarantina di barche in gara in una cornice spettacolare tra il Vesuvio, le isole del Golfo e la costiera ed in palio ci sarà il Trofeo Alvaro Giusti”.
Il campionato prevede solo percorsi sulle boe, con un massimo di 5 prove per ciascun appuntamento.
“Siamo molto grati alla classe Meteor e soprattutto alle famiglie Giusti e Chiodo, che hanno consentito di intitolare i trofei ai propri cari nella convinzione di rendere, in questo modo, più emozionanti le nostre regate e to establish a positive comparison with the sport boat, "says the newly elected capoflotta Meteor Naples, Giuliana Rogano.
For Antonella Panepinto, President of the Organizing Committee, "the event aims to fill the absence, in the scenario of Naples, the category of dedicated circuits Minialtura that is, in fact, one undisputed fact in the Gulf, to which you want to spend who already receive the same attention as other boats Orc. " "In all my years in office - said the President of the V zone FIV Pellizza John - I checked that young people are always those most rich in enthusiasm and ideas and, of course, I can only be happy when they can transform ideas into reality, implementing initiatives that follow paths that blend well with the tradition and regolameti Federation.
Press Lega Navale di Napoli
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