Fire at nuclear plant: the Tokyo government declares emergency .
Two earthquakes measuring 7.8 and 8.8, the most powerful ever recorded in Japan and one of the most violent in history, they hit Japan and caused a tsunami with ten-meter high waves that have already wiped out a ship with 100 people on board a passenger train in servizio sull’area costiera nella zona nord orientale del Paese. A rischio le centrali nucleari e alcune raffinerie sono esplose. Una diga ha ceduto. Il bilancio dei morti cresce di ora in ora, secondo i media giapponesi il numero delle vittime è verosimilmente mille. Un Paese in ginocchio e il governo avverte: “Potrebbero nuove scosse altrettanto forti”. Il terremoto è stato di portata devastante: non ha raso al suolo parte del paese solo perché gli edifici in Giappone sono tutti costruiti con criteri antisismici.
Bollettino di guerra. Ancora non si conosce il numero delle vittime, impossibile la quantificazione, le informazioni sono frammentarie, seems to be facing a war report, where the victims increasing by the hour. When talking about 395 people died (300 corpses found only on the beach in Sendai) and dozens of missing people (including 23 students), but the budget is expected to grow especially since there are many more missing. The vast area affected.
Caught a train derailed another lost a ship. According to the agency write a passenger train was hit by a wave and completely destroyed between Nobiru and Sendai. We do not know how many people were on board, likely it gets an update in the coming hours. Another train derailed instead. A ship is lost for hours and have little hope of finding survivors. On board there were at least a hundred people.
army to control nuclear power plants. A team of Japanese armed forces had received orders to reach the area where there is a nuclear power plant in Fukushima. The Kyodo news agency reported. A team of Japanese armed forces had received orders to reach the area where there is lacentrale Fukushima nuclear power. The agency reported Kyodo news. The army has also helped to evacuate two thousand people living in the vicinity of the nuclear power plant.
collapse a dam, swept away houses. A dam in the Fukushima prefecture has broken all the water pouring downstream swept away dozens of homes. The Kyodo agency reported, although it is unclear the extent of the consequences.
refineries exploded. In Tokyo shock triggered the panic. Some refineries have exploded and the stations were closed for safety. The offices were immediately evacuated and public transport is blocked for security. The time that has happened, at 14.45 (6:45 to Italian), allowed an immediate reaction to the emergency. Tokyo airport and railway lines were closed. Blocked the four nuclear assets. In the turbine room of the central Onagawa a fire broke out following the earthquake. The government in Tokyo said the emergency situation to any risk of radioactive leaks by ensuring that when none have been recorded. The tremors have also folded the Tokyo Tower, a symbol of the capital of the antennas.
The arrival of the tsunami. Now there are fears the arrival of a tsunami alert was launched for all the coasts of the Pacific, including Australia and South America, except United States and Canada. According to geologists the waves are moving at a speed of 700 kilometers per hour. 4 meter waves are close to reaching the French Antilles, a destination for tourists from all over the world. The countries in which an alert is in effect are especially Russia, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Honduras, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru. For the moment there's no evidence of serious tsunami outside of Japan.
calls for calm. The Japanese prime minister sought to reassure the public by inviting them to stay calm. "We launched an operating committee of emergency and ask everyone to pay close attention to all the signs that will be provided. We must keep calm, "said Naoto Kan in the brief statement that followed the extraordinary cabinet meeting, wearing blue overalls used for emergency situations. The prime minister added that an initial review "the damages are substantial," while the Japanese cabinet secretary, Yukio Edan , Said it was the worst earthquake the country's history.
solidarity from around the world. Instant international solidarity to Japan. The Kremlin leader Dmitri Medvedev announced that Russia is ready to provide aid for the earthquake today and asked to take action in the Kuril Islands, claimed by Tokyo, to prevent possible victims of the tsunami-related damage and Japanese earthquake. France also said it was "ready to answer all the possible stresses that Japan will ask you to cope with this tragedy," said French President Nicolas Sarkozy , in a letter to Prime Minister Naoto Kan. In his message, Sarkozy expressed "support and solidarity" of France to Japan and its people, "in this particularly difficult time."
British Prime Minister David Cameron has pledged to help Japan hit by an earthquake "that makes us be terrible reminder of the destructive forces of nature." Speaking on the margins of the EU summit in Brussels, Cameron said that "everyone should think about that country and its people" and said he had asked his government "To understand what Britain can do to be helpful." The Foreign Office has meanwhile established a dedicated telephone line to the British who have friends and relatives in Japan.
Even German Chancellor Angela Merkel sent a letter to Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, to express his condolences for the victims of the earthquake and to emphasize the closeness of Berlin to Japan. "I learned with dismay the news of the terrible earthquake that shook the his country, "reads the letter, whose text was published. "Please send my sincere condolences to the relatives of victims ed i miei migliori auguri di guarigione ai feriti. Può essere sicuro che la Germania è al fianco del Giappone in queste ore tragiche ed è pronta ad aiutare".
L’Unità di Crisi della Farnesina sin dalle prime ore di stamattina è in contatto con l’Ambasciata d’Italia a Tokyo che, a sua volta, ha istituito una cellula di crisi per contattare gli italiani presenti nelle zone maggiormente colpite dal sisma ed assicurarsi sul loro stato di salute e prestare, laddove necessario, assistenza. Intanto trentacinque squadre della rete dell’Onu per le operazioni di ricerca e soccorso in caso di catastrofe sono pronte a intervenire if the Japanese government so requests. , Said in Geneva today the spokesman of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Elisabeth Byrs . The UN experts in Geneva are in constant contact with Japan.
Moved the earth's rotation axis. The earthquake shifted the earth's rotation axis of almost 10 cm. And 'what emerges from preliminary studies conducted by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology. The impact of this event on the axis of rotation, experts estimate, is was also much greater than that of the great Sumatra earthquake of 2004 and probably second only to Chile earthquake of 1960.
Search engine for missing persons. Even Google drops in the field to help search for the missing in the tsunami Japanese, triggering a search engine accessible to all those who have or seek information on missing persons. At the address you can enter the name of the person to be searched, resulting in any messages left by other people as I heard it's alive "or" Someone is looking for. " The service had already been used last year during the earthquakes in Chile and Haiti. Twitter also seems to be a favorite tool for Japanese exchange information: less than an hour after the earthquake the number of tweets from Tokyo jumped to about 1200 per minute.
missing all 28 Italian 'appeal. currently 28 Italians missing in the affected area of \u200b\u200bJapan 'by the devastating earthquake of magnitude 8.9. He told the ambassador of Italy, Vincenzo Petrone. The news' was confirmed by the Foreign Ministry that the communication difficulties, jump in throughout the area, make it impossible to contact all the compatriots in Japan.
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