International attention in recent weeks focusing on events in North Africa. And the tragedy that is consumed in the western part of the continent goes virtually unnoticed.
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UNHCR needs more funds to help refugees and displaced Ivorians, how these displaced women in the west of the country. © UNHCR / H.Caux |
Cresce allora la preoccupazione dell’Alto Commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i Rifugiati (UNHCR) per la risposta - finora molto limitata - alla crisi in Costa d’Avorio. Con 370mila sfollati ad Abidjan e nell’ovest del paese, e 76.956 rifugiati in Liberia, il numero di persone costrette alla fuga si avvicina ormai a quota 500mila.
Lo scorso 14 gennaio l’Agenzia ha lanciato alla comunità internazionale un appello per 46 milioni di dollari necessari a far fronte al flusso di rifugiati in Liberia. Finora però sono arrivati solo 5 milioni di dollari. Altri 13 million have been pledged by donors. The new flows are, however, prompting the UNHCR to launch a new appeal - for a higher figure - next week. The Agency hopes that the donor response in this case is more positive.
meanwhile continue to deteriorate the security situation in Abidjan . 30 injured and three dead is the toll from clashes of March 6 in the district of Abobo and the next day in the district of Cocody. Checkpoints manned by armed men continue to make dangerous journeys around the country's main city, damage to the entire population.
Where possible, UNHCR continues to assist , often through local NGOs. Around the city were so far identified 20 sites where large amounts of displaced persons are concentrated. In some of these places, the number and needs of the population are still under investigation, but it is certain that there is an urgent need for food aid, including medicines.
In the rest of the country, violence flared in the west seems to extend from central and south-eastern . There is talk of attempts to prevent the movements and physical abuse - including cases of rape - in the testimonies of people fleeing.
As he told this week to operators UNHCR a girl of 21 years, managed to flee into Liberia with his son two years, after being beaten by the rebels for having resisted an attempt rape. And more and more refugees arrived in Liberia who report being involved in gun battles during the flight. Some of them were forced to find shelter and spent the night in the bush.
With these new flows, the Agency must update the plans for its operations in Liberia and to adjust the budget to prepare to assist up to 150 thousand refugees.
To support the fundraising campaign "EMERGENCY IVORY COAST, you can donate by credit card or bank transfer by calling the toll free number 800 298 000, on the website www. or by giro account number: 298 000 payable to UNHCR. Specify the reason: IVORY COAST EMERGENCY .
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