Friday, March 11, 2011

Can You Wear A Bra In Poptropica


The Prime Minister, on the occasion of the presentation Reformation of Justice, said if this project had been introduced 20 years ago would have prevented the prosecutor to invade the political and decapitate the government. But most of all - Here is the phrase that is doing more discuss - there would have been Tangentopoli, and the ruling class of 1993 would not be "undone " the Pool "Clean Hands ... Yes, he really said, here is the video . And I do not know why, but as soon as I heard those words ... some fuzzy memories, slowly, come to mind are ...

26.01.1994 , Knight takes the field, and said solemnly:

The old Italian political class was overwhelmed by the facts and passed by the times. The scuttling of the old rulers, weighed down by debt and by the system of illegal financing of political parties to leave the country unprepared and uncertain in the difficult time of renewal and the transition to a new Republic.

06.02.1994 , the first convention of Forza Italy, Palaeur, Rome:

Down with the thieves of state, we have a policy for new, different, clean. We are working against Italy Italy stealing.

21.02.1994 :

Enough! I do not have anything to Craxi!

10.05.1994 :

Silvio Berlusconi won the elections, and proposes two Pm Clean Hands the direction of two key ministries: Di Pietro in Justice, in the Davigo 'Internal. They reject both.

08.12.1994, after the resignation of Di Pietro from the pool of Milan:

would be fair that a man with the qualities of the Di Pietro did rely on the political scene. His descent into the field might be a good thing. His anxiety moralizing è patrimonio di tutti e potrebbe essere utile al Paese. I miei giornali, le mie tv, il mio gruppo sono sempre stati in prima fila nel sostenere i giudici di Mani Pulite.

25.11.1995 :

Se c'è una cosa che mi viene addebitata e che non risponde al vero è da parte mia un giudizio negativo nei confronti dei magistrati.

07.12.1995 :

Io sono un grande estimatore della magistratura e l'ho dimostrato nella mia attività di governo, durante la quale sono sempre stato vicino ai problemi dei giudici.


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