E 'a huge flag of 60 square feet to open the procession is slowly giving Esedra square in Rome. A square which has been gradually filling up. Crowded with young people, students, parents and teachers but also pupils of elementary strong cry of their intention to defend the Constitution. A slogan on everything from the meaning of the event: "The Constitution protects us, we defend the Constitution." No flag of the party, but a huge crowd with tricolor flags, badges and copies of the paper in his hand. Some reprints, some yellowed by time. Lots of handmade signs that read "Take the Constitution on the back: I adopt ..." and the part that has decided to defend. Many students with several articles of our Charter. In particular, students portano sulle loro spalle l’articolo 33 “L’arte e la scienza sono libere e libero ne è l’insegnamento”. Ma anche, l’articolo 4 letto con una triste prospettiva “La Repubblica riconosce a tutti i cittadini il diritto al lavoro e promuove le condizioni che rendano effettivo questo diritto”.
Un gruppo di bambini di una scuola multietnica di Roma, la Di Donato del quartiere Esquilino, regge uno striscione colorato. Ognuno di loro, dietro lo zainetto ha attaccato l’articolo 3 che recita: “Tutti i cittadini hanno pari dignità sociale e sono uguali davanti alla legge, senza distinzioni di sesso, razza, lingua, religione, opinione political, personal and social conditions. " Many articles 34 running in the procession, "the school is open to all capable and deserving students without financial resources also have the right to attain the highest levels of education." Virginia, 11 years attended the sixth grade and in addition to carrying on his shoulders Article 34 in his hand, on display like so many others who are marching by the Barberini volume is collected in the articles of our Constitution in hand.
"I am distressed - said Flavio Lotti, national spokesperson of the peace conference, which brought the long flag - on the grounds that the Italian arms continue to make the slaughters of innocents in Libya. Words are not enough to stop the bombs. Italy has the duty to defend human rights. We can not allow regains control Gaddafi of Libya with weapons. If this were to happen would result in a massacre of civilians and rights from which none of us could perform. " Lots urged the negotiating table is involved as the thousands of people who are marching today, "to remember that our Constitution is waiting to be implemented. Must be defended, but also implemented at the same time to give solidarity to those young people who are struggling to get one. "
Meanwhile, the network April 29 university researchers to organize good and better than a gazebo and launched an initiative: "Adopt an article of the Constitution." A researcher at the University of Rome La Sapienza pay a symbolic euro to the organizers of Cday that these days have spoken of this mobilization for self-financing in the Italian squares. "I adopted the Art .21, that for the freedom of the press - says Dr. Patricia in pharmacology - because if they want to muzzle the press gag even those like me cry out against the cuts, the research, against the development."
But it is the manifestation of many workers. Of those who chose to take to the streets coming from the rich regions d’Italia. “Sono emiliana – racconta a ilfattoquotidiano.it Giovanna, 50 anni – ma ho perso il lavoro da poco, la crisi sta toccando Regioni come la nostra, che non avevamo mai avuto grandi problemi di occupazione”. La donna si unisce ad un gruppo di operai della Technicolor di Roma, uno dei fiore all’occhiello dell’industria cinematografica italiana: 73 operai messi in cassa integrazione e mobilità.
Il lungo corteo incontra le tante migliaia di persone che aspettano da ore a piazza del Popolo. E dal palco del Cday viene lanciato l’appello a fermarsi per un minuto. Un minuto di silenzio per ricordare le vittime del terribile terremoto in Giappone. Si parte with assistance, preceded by the sound of the orchestra "resistance music" playing the Nabucco sung loudly by many protesters. "Long live the Constitution" is the slogan which is raised from the big stage. Then we start with the many familiar faces and including representatives from the world of entertainment, journalism, labor policy. Women as Ottavia Piccolo, Monica Guerritore, Fiorella Mannoia, Paola Lavin and then actors like Ascanio Celestini who read the first articles of the constitution.
In the square, among the people, the signs stand out against Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. "Berlusca, brain flabby" or "I Berlusconi did not hate, I just want to see him in a cell with Hannibal Lecter, "hand-held by a young unemployed with a child of 11 in tow. "I do not see the future - said - I lost my job, my husband is out of work for three years, was employed for 17 years in the field of glass processing, which today is facing a deep crisis."
Source: http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it
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