Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Draught Sausage Dog Pattern


Nel 2010 per la prima volta non si è verificato negli allevamenti italiani no cases of mad cow disease, confirming the effectiveness of preventive measures taken during the ten years since the beginning of the emergency in 2001 when 50 cases were discovered .

E 'as is emersonel course of "Mad Cow : Ten Years Later", promoted by Coldiretti and the Foundation UniVerde March 9, ten years after the launch of the national-emergency measures, which confirmed the absolute guarantee of security of Italian meat.

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), the so-called syndrome of "mad cow" , Is diagnosed for the first time on a farm in Britain in 1985 and some years after the meat and bone meal used as feed for animal feed, are identified as the cause of the epidemic after having long been largely sponsored by the scientific world. "This was the demonstration that science is not infallible and that, when it comes to food issues, proceed with caution to avoid irreparable damage," said Sergio Marini, president of the Coldiretti in stressing that the "mad cow was a Previous crucial to the success of the precautionary principle in the introduction of new technologies alimentare che di fatto ha contribuito ad evitare contaminazioni da Ogm (Organismi Geneticamente Modificati) nell’agricoltura italiana”.

Dalla Gran Bretagna dove si sono verificati centinaia di migliaia di casi negli allevamenti la malattia è stata “esportata” in tutta Europa nonostante i provvedimenti cautelativi adottati dall’Unione Europea . Il primo caso di mucca pazza in Italiaviene individuato il 16 gennaio 2001 e riguarda una vacca di circa 6 anni di età, macellata l'11 gennaio che proviene da un allevamento del bresciano. L'animale era stato sottoposto ad esame nell'ambito del programma di screening di massa sugli animali superiori ai trenta slaughtered months, effective from January 1, 2001 and the Minister of Health decides to kill all the animals from the herd where the cow was found with the disease January 17, 2001. In that year 50 cases are found in Italy, a very low number compared with other European countries, however, will not fail to cause profound effects on almost one hundred thousand farms in Italy because of the drastic drop in consumption. Promptly, at a press conference on emergency "mad cow" disease, Coldiretti submit its proposal to the Government of a comprehensive plan for the livestock and Italian initiatives in support of mobilization. The contents of special intervention di rigenerazione del patrimonio zootecnico da approvare con la massima urgenza sono finalizzati a garantire la sicurezza alimentare, ad avviare una riforma strutturale e organica del settore e ad assicurare la trasparenza dell'informazione.

Dopo dieci anni la Bse è di fatto scomparsa dagli allevamenti italiani per l'efficacia delle misure adottate per far fronte all'emergenza come - sottolinea la Coldiretti - il monitoraggio di tutti gli animali macellati di età a rischio, il divieto dell'uso delle farine animali nell'alimentazione del bestiame e l'eliminazione degli organi a rischio Bse dalla catena alimentare. Per le misure di sorveglianza “attiva” sono stati spesi dal 2001 to present more than 6 million tests funded by the Italian at a cost estimated around over 100 million euro.

cases of "mad cow" IN ITALIAN FARMS

Year Number of cases
2001 50 *
2002 36 * 2003 31
2004 7 2005 8 2006 7
2007 2 2008 1 2009 2
2010 0
Total 144
(*) two foreign cattle
Source: Based on Ministry of Health Coldiretti


December 27, 2000 - EU Directive is enacted which prohibits, from March 1, 2001 to use "animal waste for the production of feed for farmed animals."

January 1, 2001 - Capture the obligation to sottoporre al test per scoprire la Bse tutti i bovini macellati di età superiore ai 30 mesi.

16 gennaio 2001 - Primo caso di mucca pazza in Italia. La vacca di circa 6 anni di età, macellata l'11 gennaio, proviene da un allevamento del bresciano. L'animale era stato sottoposto ad esame nell'ambito del programma di screening di massa sugli animali superiori ai trenta mesi macellati, in vigore dal 1º gennaio 2001.

17 gennaio 2001 - Il ministro della Sanità decide per l'abbattimento di tutti i capi di bestiame provenienti dall'allevamento dove è stata trovata la vacca con il morbo.

January 25, 2001 - During a press conference on the discovery of "mad cow" Coldiretti submit its proposal to the Government of a comprehensive plan for the livestock and Italian initiatives in support of mobilization. The contents of 'extraordinary intervention of regeneration of the livestock to be approved with the highest priority are aimed at ensuring food security, to initiate a structural reform and organic sector and ensure transparency of information.

January 29 2001 - The Council of EU farm ministers to tackle the mad cow disease, decides to remove the vertebral column from cattle aged over twelve months, condemning, 31 March 2001, the Florentine.

February 16, 2001 - Second case of mad cow disease in Lombardy.

March 9, 2001 - Converting to Law Decree 11 January 2001, No 1, entitled: "Urgent measures for the destruction of specified risk material for bovine spongiform encephalopathies and animal protein, high-risk and for the public temporary storage of animal protein in low-risk."

August 31, 2001 - It approved a law that extends to all slaughtered cattle older than 24 months the requirement to test anti-BSE.

July 1, 2001 - European Union come into force new regulations to eradicate BSE. It reaffirmed the ban only the use of meat and bone meal to ruminants. For the future, you can use the remains of pigs and chickens to feed two conditions that do not serve food to the same species that can be guaranteed control of the entire supply chain. The destruction of risk material must be in accordance with rules detailed, accurate and secure.

January 1, 2002 - Entry into force of the comprehensive system of mandatory labeling of beef in circulation on the market that lets you know the origin of the meat purchased with reference to the Member of birth, fattening, slaughtering and cutting, as well as an identification code that represents a true identity card of the cattle. And 'the safeguard measure to resolve the mad cow crisis.

December 31, 2005 - Back to the Florentine steak obtained from animals around 18 months of age.

April 23 2008 - is published in the Official Journal of the European regulation rises by 24 to 30 months of age of cattle that are allowed for the marketing of meat with the spine. It 's the return of the Florentine "mature."

2010 - For the first time are zero verified cases. For the surveillance measures "active" has been spent since 2001 more than 6 million tests funded by the Italian at a cost estimated around over 100 million euro.

Source: Based on Ministry of Health Coldiretti


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