Friday, March 11, 2011

Buggy Frames And Plans


The 38 NAS Carabinieri, in recent weeks have carried out an extensive monitoring service businesses specialized feeding "ethnic" .

in about 40% of the 1000 shops, caterers and food shops inspected were found irregularities sanitation.

For 50 structures of the precarious conditions triggered the request for suspension of while for 12 health authorities have ordered the immediate closure.

During the service, the Police have detected 700 violations of the NAS including 80 of penal and administrative sanctions have raised € 650,000, while 445 people are reported to the competent judicial authorities, administrative and health.

The quantity of food taken from the irregular distribution commercial is about 15 tons for a value of over € 250,000 .

activities have taken on particular importance svolte:

- a Catania , con il sequestro di 1300 confezioni di alimenti vari e 650 kg di riso, di provenienza estera e privi di indicazioni di etichettatura in lingua italiana;

- a Roma , ove al termine di ispezioni effettuate in un supermercato etnico, sequestrato a causa delle pessime condizioni igieniche in cui versava, ed in 2 esercizi commerciali sono state sottratte alla distribuzione circa 7 tonnellate di alimenti carnei ed ittici tenuti in cattivo stato di conservazione ed invasi da feci;

- in provincia di Cuneo , in 2 depositi di vendita ethnic food were seized about two tonnes of food;

- in the province of Ancona, with the seizure of nearly 1,000 food packs several expired and not labeled in Italian.


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